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Asmusr last won the day on September 24 2022

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About Asmusr

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  1. I'm not sure what you mean by 'allowed'? The demo should certainly run on real iron, but I would expect people to use emulators for development.
  2. I imagine it could be 6-12 months, however, I don't have any specific ideas for effects at the moment, so it's all up in the air.
  3. It would be cool if the demo could run on an unexpanded console, but I think we do need some RAM for the music player etc., so then we would need a cartridge with some RAM, e.g. one that was compatible with the FinalGROMs RAM mode. Just an idea, it's probably more realistic to require 32K.
  4. All written in BASIC, I guess, since it's so slow?
  5. I do have a rather long list of demos covering most aspects of the F18A that you could use for testing. If I wanted to provide support for the V9938/58 in JS99er, which I have often considered, the lack of demos would be my concern.
  6. Yes please, that would make it a lot more attractive to spend time developing for the F18A.
  7. I just got an email from Ramon de Bruijn from the Desire demo group, who facilitated the first TI-99/4A mega demo in 2016-17. The demo got around 30,000 views on YouTube in the first couple of days, which was pretty amazing (maybe the title "Don't mess with Texas" attracted a lot of people without any interest in the computer, but I choose to believe it was because of our hard work). It's now 7 years ago, and the email made me wonder if anyone would be interested in participating in a new demo, which or course would have to be more impressive than the first? Then floor is open.
  8. This is just a minor update that includes the title screen, which in these times obviously has been drawn by an AI, and the suggestion from @Vorticon to add a bit of animation to the tires (I reduced the waste of VDP RAM from 192 bytes to 64 bytes by only updating one sprite pattern 🙂). Could this be the first time, after 12 years, that anyone has drawn a 240 pixels tall bitmap on the F18A? karts8.bin
  9. You have decimal numbers instead of hexadecimal in many places, e.g. 8192, 16384.
  10. I once did some exploratory work on a smooth scrolling curling game for the TI-99/4A. This was the planned field. Edit: I think I stopped when I couldn't figure out how the player would aim the stone without being able to see the stones at the other end at the same time.
  11. Did you use an external mini memory rpk instead of the one in the App menu? Anyway, it should be fixed now.
  12. Wouldn't a program that runs from the cartridge be the most obvious way to test it?
  13. I also have a genuine, licensed CD-ROM, but no drive to read it any longer. It's an excellent program for any retro computer hobby image editing.
  14. I use Paint Shop Pro from 2001 all the time to generate 16 color indexed images. It still works fine in Windows 10. https://winworldpc.com/product/paint-shop-pro/7x
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