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  1. My Tron CD arrived today. I am very happy with it. The straight recordings from the game sound fantastic. And I will admit I was apprehensive about the idea of remixes, but was greatly pleased by those. I would like to see such a compilation of tunes from other Intellivision games (especially the first gen ones like Snafu).
  2. Many many thanks for this effort. I realize it is always dicey answering such questions, so I understand if the one I am about to ask can't be answered... As a huge Residents fan, I wondered why Mark of the Mole can't be released. Is somebody planning to finish it (all appendages crossed)?
  3. Claimed! Please delete/close/whatever this thread. Thanks
  4. Badly battered original Vectrex box. Missing a top flap. I am paying for the shipping, so U.S. only. Box has been collapsed and will ship flat. IM me with your zip code if interested and I will request your full address if it is not already taken.
  5. My jaw hit the floor. That. Looks. AMAZING.
  6. My first time playing my still-favorite game (arcade or home): Centipede. I don't know the name of the mall where I played this in the arcade, but it was in the suburbs of Denver. I fell for that game instantly and hard. And I guess it was influential as well, because the next time we had pizza, it was the first time I ate mushrooms. I remember asking my mom what those things were in the game, and it piqued my curiosity. Fortunately, centipedes were not a potential topping.
  7. This topic deeply resonates with me. I have 3 large binders packed with video game flyers. I especially try to get any Atari/Kee ones I haven't seen before. Probably my prize among them is a 2-in-1 cabinet flyer that took years to finally surface on eBay. Anywho, a couple of items that were extremely interesting are a couple of video game promotional flexi discs. These are the only two I am aware of: If they had only done these for Ballblazer or Marble Madness, I fear to think of the extents I would have gone through to get one
  8. Bought a 130XE and 3 issues of Atari Connection from them. EXTREMELY well-packaged, and shipped/arrived very quickly. A recommended seller.
  9. Never heard of that site but, if that happens, I think it should be as a Sears Tele-Games system.
  10. My wife bought me one and it arrived yesterday. I didn't have a VCS back in the day, but the dimensions of the box seem about right for what the original might have been in, which caused a weird mental disconnect for me. She actually stayed up until midnight the night before they went up for sale, to ensure she could get me one. No wonder she is my favorite person in the world. Also, it comes with a neat little bonus Castle set when you buy directly from Lego.
  11. Just wanted to give this a bump, as I am the buyer of the 130XE (and 3 issues of Atari Connection). The package arrived today and I am very happy. Extremely well packaged, and the 130 is in great shape. Recommended buyer.
  12. Tempted to spring for this. The video made it look very interesting. Just an aside: I thought this would be a port of the Atari 8-bit game of the same title, but wasn't aware this is an entirely different game!
  13. This is absolutely not meant to be a slam on you but I feel the complete inverse of this statement from your post. I am sure part of it is because I was a kid in the 2600 era, but I actually find it more interesting what people can do with fewer resources than what they can do with more. Also, the simpler the game mechanics, the more longevity it tends to have. After all, we now have fully-realized worlds in games, with epic storylines, and some of those will doubtlessly have a significant lifespan (so long as they are ported to future platforms). But we will always have chess, checkers and go. Similarly, we will always have some variation of the game (or at least the mechanics thereof) of Pac-Man and Space Invaders. And those early games engaged my imagination more than anything more realistically rendered. I find the experience similar to books vs movies: one shows me exactly one version of the world while the other forces me to fill in the gaps and make it my own. Lastly, I love the look and feel of those first generation consoles. I love my Fairchild Channel F with its 8-track cart styled cartridges even if the library is underwhelming. And I strongly feel artwork starting with the NES became less engaging. Anywho, my $0.02 about the actual topic at hand, I have zero interest in collecting RCA Studio II and the original (screen-overlay-based) Odyssey. Even I have my limits.
  14. Downloaded the files but haven't had an opportunity to play with them yet. I don't recognize the extensions on those files. Which versions of MAME have been confirmed as working for MMII? Anybody have it working in RetroPie (my preferred method of emulation)?
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