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  1. It's been released at $69.99. At that price, it is not worth the peace of mind to any but the *most* technophobic, whom are not the VCS customer base, anyway. For others who don't know what to buy, they can look it up or ask online for suggestions. That said, the email I got from Atari said there are limited quantities, so they clearly know that. Seems like, even at that markup, they won't sell enough at this point in time to make the effort worth the while for the amount of net income they will receive. https://atari.com/products/atari-vcs-480gb-m2-drive
  2. That's greedy of ebay to charge a fee even if the person never pays for it. As to what is crazy about atari2600land's experience is that ebay wasn't using his PayPal acct to pay for the offer, but wanted a bank acct instead. This payment method requirement for making offers started on ebay at least a year ago, but I don't recall having a problem with it using my PayPal acct to do so.
  3. I assume it's got 3D? Can't wait to try it on my Virtual Boy w/my flashcart from Richard.
  4. Witty game name and logo. And zany premise, for sure (as you are quite known for). Quite kind of you to *fully* release the game. Quite rarely done. One more for good measure: quite.
  5. The site is partially back up now. Most pages are giving 403 or 404 errors. I did get a couple of pages to display after giving an error by refreshing multiple times. These pages have up-to-date versions in the WBM: EclaireXL ITX and mini Custom chip replacement PokeyMAX files I saved a new snapsot of this page in the WBM, as the earlier ones were not displaying some of the photos: DE1 breakout boards, to EclaireXL - the early days
  6. It's down again, but the good news is that there is a snapshot from 2021 on the the Wayback Machine on archive.org. Once it's back up, one of us should submit its pages that have been updated since then for updated snaphots.
  7. leech: Atari did make language learning packages w/tapes. They just weren't based on the Educational System, as that was a 2nd party product. There were packages for Spanish, French, Italian, and German. I bought them all years back and I'm using them this winter with my wife and 6yo son. tschak909: I found out about your work years back via 16kRAM's video. I loved your StrongBad example. Are there any other examples created using your library? I'll have to create one at some point. The audio/prg syncing will be slightly cumbersome, I would think, since the text is streamed to screen, so the number of characters must be converted into seconds, along with the pauses, ofc, and each of the other library calls themselves will be streamed from tape, too, thus taking a very small amount of time that needs to be considered for exact syncing. But, you clearly made it work with your StrongBad example.
  8. It would be great to at least get the latest compiled ROM with the extra features and bug fixes that @ScottHuggins mentioned in two posts on this page (he said he was going to post a newer ROM in 2009 in the first of those 2 posts). Perhaps @joeybastard has a later ROM than was posted in this thread? My 6yo son loves Frenzy (calls it Lovey), and I would love to play an improved version of this with him. So glad to have found this thread and that there is a version at all that we can play, though. Much appeciated @ScottHuggins and @joeybastard!
  9. Just saw this now. Any chance of this being further developed? I named my son Enkidu, so you just know this would be right up my alley. Only game with a similar setting that I can think of is River of Light, which came with Adventure Construction Set. I will admit that your title made wonder, though. ;)
  10. Have you considered using the full 3KB avail for ROM banks? I will give your game a try once I get my O2 flashcart built.
  11. You need the same software as for using with a VCS. It's all on the 1st post. Just use the 1.06 BIOS and ignore the other versions. For the USB flashing software, you could alternatively use the 2.0 beta version found in this post (with the 1.06 BIOS in the 1st post):
  12. Did you find any titles missing, other than those released since the last update of 11/5/22? This is the spreadsheet I've been using since 2017 or 18. I'm pretty sure I found it from a post here on AA. It's quite an achievement.
  13. Is there any chance of the DDP or disk version of your bug-fixed final product being released? If not physical, perhaps as files for the vault for club members for next year so that we can make our own? I know us Adam fans are less numerous, but our numbers are slowly growing.
  14. Do you have any cards that aren't included in @acadiel's PDF above, or do they have them all?
  15. Did you ever get the EE access figured out? I'm surprised no one here commented. Obviously, the information is out there somewhere, as Team Pixelboy have created their own PCB and released games using it--and including EE support.
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