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    MAME, Atari, Computer Games, SCUBA, Snowmobiling, Motorcycling, Comic Books

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  1. Right there with you Beefy, although no cornhole for me. I’d rather skip that and just do the drinking part! I just had a Yuengling Flight for the first time this past weekend camping, not a bad beer for a low carb option. My wife’s family is from PA, so Yuengling is a must!
  2. At least it looks like he cleaned out most of crap he had taking up space in almost every room. Oh, and the literal dog crap all over the floors! It doesn’t look like he is doing much work up in that room with the ceiling fan anymore. I don’t see all the equipment he had up there in those realtor pictures. His mom must be so proud!
  3. I guess I’m a liar too! I always wondered if doing things differently moved you up higher on the pedestal and what was the highest you could get.
  4. https://intellivision.com/shop/running-man-slate-drink-coasters-dpj5c-rtbl4-j7gk8 I think this version sums up this whole fiasco…..why so sad Amico?
  5. I would love to see the following: 2600 A Superman enhanced version Star Raiders Raiders of the Lost Ark 7800 Robotron with dual joystick holder Pie in the sky A full version of Gato prototype 7800 version of Imagic Microsurgeon 7800 version of Star Wars Arcade
  6. Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions so fast! I’m not concerned with being in line to get these firsts, I can wait, lol. Knowing that they will be available after the pre-order window through Atari, AtariAge, and Amazon and such will allow me to space out my purchases and not have to buy everything at once. I see that the compatibility list looks to be very promising ( at least the Atari published games ) from the initial list. Very few “fails” and a lot less “untested” due to the efforts of Ben, yourself, and some AtariAgers that brought games to PRGE. Also, congrats on the whole Atari acquisition and becoming an official Atari employee. All the years and time you have poured into this site to make it what it is today has paid off for you. I can’t think of anyone better to be their historian (well maybe other than Curt..RIP).
  7. So what is the deal with the pre-orders? Will the 2600+, the CX-40+, and the CX-30+ paddle controller bundle be available after the pre-order window, or are these all limited run items? Is there an advantage to pre-ordering these items? Is the price going to be more if these are available after the pre-order window? Having been bit in the ass by the Amico fiasco I’m a little Leary of pre-orders and I would rather wait to purchase once these hit retail if that is going to happen.
  8. I’m pretty sure it was mentioned by Tommy many times that he had never consumed alcoholic beverages. Something about after seeing what his “cousin” Steven went through kept him away from the sauce. Add that his pile of scamming lies.
  9. Just wondering if a grading company would down grade it due to the stickers. Any thoughts or experiences with grading companies?
  10. Well at least you have the pictures to show them, and from the ones you posted back then of you and your friends it looks like you guys (and girls) had a lot of fun times down there. Life sometime gets in the way and priorities change.
  11. Ha! I remember back in (what, 2006) when you posted about finishing this game room! I also remember those metal Space Invaders you have on the ceiling (which must have been after 2006 because those original posts didn’t have those). Unfortunately I never snagged any when you where producing them. What is in that game room now that you got rid of the arcade cabs? Also, as others have stated, this is an entertaining thread. Prices have caused me to stop collecting Atari since I was only trying to get sealed boxes. Maybe the loose method is the way to go!
  12. X=user(1536), speaking of tacos, I just noticed 913 S Broadway, LA……I see what you did there! Looks like a great hole in the wall!
  13. I call foul! Religious dig, CPUWIZ moderate yourself!!! LOL! ?
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