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  1. REM "Rise thread!" Here's Peter Goode's Zombies from "The Aquarius Program Book" aka Necromicon Ex Mortis: The Book of the Dead. I'll find my way back to that thread eventually and pull out a link to the legendary tome. 10 REM Zombies by Peter Goode 15 N=10: PIT=10 17 Z=N 20 PRINTCHR$(11):POKE12369,32:FORL=13312 To14311:POKEL,36:NEXT 30 RESTORE: FORL= 12299TO 12315: READ D$: POKE L, ASC( D$):NexT 35 X=20=Y=18:S=12328+X+40*Y:POKES+1024,1 60: POKES,146 40 DimA(N),B(N):FORL=1TON 50 A(L)= INT(RND(1)*40): B(L)=INT(RND(1)*24):S=12328+A(L)+40*B(L) 55 IFPEEK(S)<>32THEN50 57 POKES,25:NEXT 60 FORL=1TOPIT 63 S=12328+INT( RND( 1 )*960): IFPEEK(S)<>32 THEN63 66 POKES+1024,4:POKES,150:NEXT 70 C=0: D$=";" 100 C=C+1:IF C>N THEN C=1 105 IFA(C)=-1THEN100 107 O=12328+A(C)+40*B(C) 110 S=SGN(X-A(C)): T=SGN(Y-B(C)) 115 M=12328+A(C)+40*B(C)+S+40*T 120 IFPEEK(M)=150THENGOSUB500:A(C)=-1:POKEO,32:POKEM,32:GOTO200 130 IFPEEK(M)=146THEN700 140 POKEO,32:A(C)=A(C)+S:B(C)=B(C)+T:POKEM,25 150 SOUND(1,40) 200 K$=INKEY$:IFK$<>"w" AND K$<>"s" AND K$<> "a" AND K$<>"d" THEN 200 210 D$=K$ 220 S=X:T=Y:IFD$="a"ANDs>0THENS=S-10 230 IFD$="d"ANDs<39THENS=S+1 240 IFD$="s"ANDT<23THENT=T+1 250 IFD$="w"ANDT>0THENT=T-1 260 0=12328+X+40*Y:M=12328+s+40*T:IFPEEK(M)=150THEN700 280 POKEO,32:POKEO+1024,36:POKEM+1024,160:POKEM,146 285 X=S:Y=T 290 GOTO 100 500 Z=Z-1: IFZ=0THEN800 510 FORL=1TO50:SOUND(5,INT(RND(1)*100)+50):POKE12288,INT(RND(1)*2)+30 706 NEXT 710 ??:?" CAUGHT BY ROBOTS" 720 IF INKEY$<>"" THEN 720 730 IF INKEY$="" THEN 730 740 RUN 800 REM PLAYER WIN ROUTINE 810 ??:?" YOU ESCAPED" 820 GOTO 720 1000 DATA *,*, Z,O,M,B,I,E," ",R,O,B,O,T,S,*,*
  2. Wow! This is awesome. This is what I've been waiting decades for, like since I ordered my Aquarius Disk Drive that never arrived. I get these AtariAge e-mails every week, I never see this thread posted not once. Somehow years pass and then a Christmas-eve comes along and it's like 1983 all over again. I'm really happy for all you hardcore Aquarius fans who got your hands on this build...you're all the cool kids on the block now. Happy Holidays!
  3. Here's a video of a commercial that features the TV, I've downloaded the audio to my iPod, gives me a little happy moment every time I hear it.
  4. Crossover for Mac works great for Virtual Aquarius and a number of other Windows programs. Well it did five years ago when I used a Mac. I'm sure it works even better now they've been improving on it for 14.3 versions. You can do lots of thrilling things once you have it, like download all kinds of free Windows things and try them out and say "oh neat it works!" Windows turns 30 this year so technically it's a "Classic OS."
  5. Mattel didn't really have luck/skill in the computer hardware or software market I found this in a story about Kevin O'leary
  6. Oh never mind that SCROLL bug, I see its setting SCR OLL and OLL = 0. Changing background color is a handy function.
  7. If you type "Scroll Left" Or "Scroll Right" or even "Scroll bob" etc and hitting return causes the screen to goe black. You can type CLS in the black screen mode to recover your Aquarius, but we lose bug hunting details. Here's some wonderful Aquarius colors to scroll 5 CLS 10 A = 12289+39 15 B = A + 1024 20 FOR X = 0 TO 15 30 FOR Y = 1 TO 39 35 POKE (B+Y),X+Y 200 R=INT(10*RND(1)+1) 400 NEXT Y 450 SCR DOWN 500 NEXT X 600 GOTO 20
  8. Really amazed at how short the program is and that title screen auto-navigating bird is awesome. I don't think any of the original cartridge games had animating title screens.
  9. Ok download Livecode 6.0.2 for Linux and see if that's working. Versions after that broke the image export. I won't be able to test on Linux or save apps for it (I think)...but you can from your side using the stack project files and a Linux copy of Livecode. I'll start looking at this old code and see if I can remember what I was doing, probably going take me a bit. I'll start a new thread when I have something.
  10. Good question. The current versions of Livecode while I was programming those things broke some of the functionality like exporting images. I'll have to test if the latest greatest version 7.x.x retains that error. I think I found tools that could do the job better and I was hoping for a comprehension of machine language and Z88DK C programming that I never developed. I downloaded and tested a lot of things and picked up a few viruses. I remember spEdito came in very handy for z88dk. REXPaint has a comma delimited export that could be easily reformatted for Aquarius use. Then Tiled is extremely promising. If I remember correctly, I exported the old Aquarius character set layed out in the format of a 2D Unity map. Unity would definitely be a better game making tool than I can make and, can export data that can be manipulated for the Aquarius if the Tiled export types aren't already enough to work with. I think BootLoader BASIC might be a better coding target than the original BASIC or trying to learn C/Z88DK, maybe. There was something else itching my brain to be remembered, ugh and so many things on my hard drive right now. What'd you have in mind for a cool tool?
  11. I get an ?SN Error message at the bottom of the title page and the title page keeps reloading, in Virtual Aquarius. Works ok when loading the source and when I LDUMP'd the rom and tried it again. ZIP compression kills it. I just compressed my LDUMP (with peaZIP), Decompressed it and got the SN error.
  12. Ah, I was trying clear but in the wrong part of the program. I don't know what this program does, I think its supposed to be some kind of undersea escape to the surface before you drown game. It seems to use concatenation of spaces before the string to simulate movement, the spaces act as a string eraser. I've modified the code, allowing for longer strings, and flipping the coordinates on the LOCATE statements, shortened some lines that Aquarius can't handle, but the result is kind of cryptic. Can't seem to find any other system emulator with paste functionality, that works on windows 7 or doesn't have include virus to see what this thing is supposed to do. Maybe I should analyze the code and start from scratch-ish. Here's the current code mess if you want to give it the old Aquarius try. I'll enclose it in spoiler tags to keep things neat.
  13. Nope, A$="1234578901234567890123456" works with 25 characters followed by A$=A$+"7" or A$="12345789012345678901234567" are both OS error at 26 characters a$="abcdefghijklnopqrstuvwxyz" is also an OS error with 26 characters. Does it work different on the hardware?
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