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About am1933

  • Birthday 08/04/1970

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    Ti99/4a and Atari 8bit platforms-but partial to most late seventies to mid eighties machines.

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  1. A word of caution if going down the 'buying another TI99/4A' to use for donor parts. I've got 6 4As at the moment, 2 of them work fine and are my main consoles, 2 of them have keyboard issues and 2 have really crappy looking cases. My intention was to swap the working keyboards from the crappy cases into the 2 with keyboard issues......Turns out the keyboard screw mounting holes are in different positions, so just something to bear in mind.
  2. Ahhh this game brings back memories. I remember playing the original coffee table version on a school trip to York back in 1981.
  3. Me thinks Yak the Hairy would dig this version.
  4. Christ, You're taking me back in time, inducing fairly good memories........First school trip that involved staying away from home, scummy little kid from Glasgow-spending a week in York at the Newington Hotel not far from the racecourse. I was 10 years old and absolutely in love with the cocktail table of Lunar Rescue. They even had a disco on for the kids....music was shit-but managed to get them to play Motorhead and Girlschool for little old me. First time I ever had a girl come on to me.......but had no idea what to do
  5. Would it be possible in a stock machine with the 32K expansion. A fully playable version was made for the BBC Micro model B......which has a mere 32K RAM (though the various graphics modes eat up the RAM like nobody's business). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7U44V9CiHg
  6. Tandy CoCo shows up in "This is Spinal Tap" BBC Micro can be seen in "Electric Dreams" Atari 800XL can be seen in "D.A.R.Y.L" Atari 800 and Atari 5200 can be seen in "Cloak and Dagger" Memotech MTX512 can be seen in "Weird Science" There are a load of them, these are just some of the ones I remember off of the top of my head.
  7. Nowadays it is possible to build up a perfectly usable system with either machine for a reasonable cost, so it's down to personal preference. Had it been 1983/84-I would be going with the 800 XL, Atari hardware was expensive but nowhere near as bad as the TI hardware. I cannot really express a bias towards one machine or the other, my first machine was a 4a and my second was an 800XL........so I had both bases covered
  8. I'm pretty sure the Bin command was used in ZX Spectrum basic for character definition.
  9. Not sure the bit at the top is totally necessary..................
  10. Further to the initial question, I have undertaken a serious amount of research into this matter. I have explored the demographics of users income band, disposable income, political persuasion, lifestyle habits and quite a few other considerations. I have also looked into the history of the various manufacturers, their history both in terms of development and product support. I have trawled through numerous forums, blogs and social media sites on the subject.........and I have come to the conclusion that, TI is the best and everything else is shit (except Atari)..............................
  11. Can't believe no one has said this one............... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMJ-A1n951Y
  12. Personal fave................Suncom TAC 2
  13. The Atari............................just because........................
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