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  1. I believe I still have every TI cartridge we ever owned in a box somewhere. I'll have to see if I can dig them out on the morrow. Thanks for the info on Parsec! I can't wait to try to wend my way through that ridiculously long refueling tunnel again... I can't believe it's been %#@%# (so many) years since...
  2. Sounds like it's worth ripping the tapes I have, then, just in case. (And honestly, I'm curious to see if the data have held up in 30 years of storage.) I noticed in another thread someone mentioned having the source for Parsec... Is there a playable version around? Some serious childhood nostalgia is associated with that game.
  3. How can it be made into such a format? What's the process?
  4. Kevan - it looks like Biorythm is up on the ftp already. :-)
  5. Hey, lads/ladies... I've been going through some old boxes and came across a couple of physical tapes from my 99/4A days as a child. I have one cassette with Teach Yourself BASIC, and a second with several programs/games labelled as such on it: Side A -Biorythm -Factor Foe 65 -Tic Tac Toe 120 -Word Scramble 180 -Lost Ruins 240 -Knight's Tour 295 Side B -Music Skills Training -Space Zapper I don't have any idea of the state of the cassettes, but I have a high-quality DENON deck that I could use to read them. Have all of these programs been accounted for and digitised already, or should I make a digital recording of them for the community? And is there a set of instructions on how to do the digitisation properly? Thanks in advance for the help, and for keeping the memories of the TI alive - it's been a gas reading through the forums!
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