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  1. Keep trying to order but get this error…
  2. Wasn’t there a Lynx Quest limited cartridge recently? I also missing out on the Vikings limited pack
  3. Ok I can now narrow this down a little… P.I.T.S. Death Cart EOTB (Eric’s version I have the video 61 version) Rygar (Japanese Variant) Shanghai (Japanese Variant) Paperboy (Japanese Variant) Xenophobe (Japanese Variant) Hard Drivin’ pin badge can anyone help a brother out
  4. When will 2 & 3 be available at Yastuna?
  5. Gutted to have missed this. Did you say one was going on eBay?
  6. Hey SainT


    Just a quick one...


    I’m not sure if I have bricked my GD cart... I only seem to have California games available from the start up menu?! Any ideas?


    ...Can forward video if required


    Many thanks 

    1. SainT


      Hi! Well, that is just a list of what's on the memory card. So if there are more files on the memory card which it's not showing, that sounds like an odd memory card issue.


      Also, I have had some reports of weird behavior on some memory cards where files just vanish. I'm not sure what's causing this, but I have heard people reformatting the memory card has solved the issue.


      Let me know how you get on! :)

  7. Please put me down for a cart Karri
  8. Does anyone have any ideas on the sales numbers of Atari Lynx games and what were the best sellers?
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