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    Enjoying 8 bit gaming in HD!
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    Atari & Intellivision in HD

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  1. I've only had one session and it plays great like I remember on the PS2. Your mileage may vary...
  2. https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/star-wars-battlefront-classic-collection-switch/
  3. I know you can add games to the Flashback. Not sure about the GSP.
  4. Does anyone know how to get double shots on Space Invaders using Stella with the Retron 77?
  5. I know you can get double shots on Space Invaders if you hold down the reset button while turning the game on. Does anyone know how to get double shots for the Retron 77 that uses the Rom in Stella?
  6. Post a list of the 10 Games of the 70's that defined the Atari 2600 for you. Here is mine: 1. Combat 2. Air-Sea Battle 3. Basketball 4. Breakout 5. Outlaw 6. Bowling 7. Football 8. Human Cannonball 9. Sky Diver 10. Superman
  7. Have you tried getting a digital ROM of the game and put it on the micro SD card for the Retron 77? I would think it will definitely work then. Here is a link in case you don't have it:
  8. I doubt that to be true. The Retron 77 has a better compatibility with games if you include playing ROM's. If we are talking just the cartridges, then I think it's pretty close. Even still I would ask for proof.
  9. I don't know where you get your information, but Berzerk was licensed by Atari from Stern. They made a game for the 2600: https://www.atariage.com/software_page.php?SoftwareLabelID=29 Most recently, Atari purchased the rights for Berzerk from Stern: https://atari.com/blogs/newsroom/atari-announces-acquisition-of-berzerk-and-frenzy-ip The fact that Atari had the game on their system and because they purchased the IP to it technically makes it an Atari game now. What they choose to do with it is all up to them.
  10. I'll be getting this in time for Christmas. I'm looking forward to reading it! Do you have a timeline for releasing Volume 2?
  11. Been doing that through the Atari Reimagined series. I'm more of a simple game person. I don't like games that takes too much time to complete. I do like the ones that are simple to play, but difficult to master. Those are the ones that hold my interest and keep me coming back.
  12. Other than Astrosmash, I was hoping for a release of AD&D and Night Stalker. Maybe if the existing games sell well, those others might be released?
  13. For those of you who were interested in the Intellivision Amico games, a few are now released on the Nintendo Switch: Shark Shark! Astrosmash Has anyone played these and can give an honest review?
  14. And this is why I won't get one. The Retron 77 does all this except play the 5200 & 7800 and I'm ok with that. There is no noticeable lag and you can play the homebrew games. The more you have to fix on your own, the more I am convinced this isn't the ultimate system for playing Atari Roms.
  15. Correction: It's a 10 in 1 multicart. https://atari.com/products/atari-2600-plus?fbclid=IwAR08_tezN7phJ0nj9aRi2cJfzXbyfys21-1ulTu-loWrx5N_ZxnEKymCw1Y
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