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    I would like to play on the XL/XE, Flimbos Quest, Galaga, Prince of Persia and Phoenix ;-)

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  1. Good news. One for me, the yellow dude, please.
  2. Finally intensively played the V2.5 at the Fujiama meeting. In the next ABBUC magazine there will be a game test of Space Taxi V2.4, no V2.5, I updated it quickly. Like, there is now V2.6, well there are more ABBUC Magazine issues
  3. I edited run for it today at the Fujiama meeting. Let's wait for the add.
  4. Hello folks, a few years ago I built a demo compilation for the 4MB Mega Cart. When The!Cart came out later, I split this compilation into two parts as 2MB Mega Cart Roms. The!Cart cannot process the 4MB type. Attached are these rom files including header. The Mega Cart 4MB is type $39 and the Mega Cart 2MB is type $40. Would be nice if it can be implemented in the SUB Cart. By the way, I affectionately call the SUB, Octopus Cart. All these cables are like the arms of an octopus. Demos are forever.zip
  5. Hello, the shop (better: bazaar for the members) may not be made public for legal reasons. ABBUC is a club, a community of like-minded people, and is not allowed to make a profit. The sale in the shop is at cost price. We also have used items, from member donations. The shop is an added value for members.
  6. Hi, what a great game, finally on my favorite 8 bit computer. I used to play it a lot on the C64. The Atari version now needs 128 Kb for the cool voice output to work. I have it successfully on my Atari 800 XL with internal 256 Kb extension loaded (Sio2SD) and played. Now I have exactly one Atari XEGS with U1MB and have exactly the same problems as @chevymad. If the U1MB is set to 64 Kb (stock), the game runs without voice output. With the XL-Os, XEGS-Os and the Hias-Os. If extended memory is configured in the U1MB, whether 320k,576k or 1088k, loads the game to a certain point, then jumps into the XEGS game rom slot. It doesn't matter which OS you use. And no matter which 8k rom is installed in the XEGS slot. With Missile Command the screen described by @chevymad comes up. At another Rom a black screen. I have updated the U1MB to the latest firmware. I got the tip from @Mario130XE, to empty a XEGS slot. But that's not so easy. Unfortunately, UFlash cannot empty a slot, only update. And I don't want to re-flash all 512K now. Maybe an update of UFlash can empty slots soon? Presumably, no harm meant, there is a small bug when recognizing or installing the extended memory, which confuses the U1MB? When loading sector $2AD, the first sector of SPEECH1, the computer crashes. Since it's version 2.2, I'm hoping for 2.3 Thank you so much for this great game.
  7. Yes. It took some time. But now here are the files that were created with rdtrked.com. Track 15 to track 23. I hope it helps with the analysis. rdtrkdm.atr
  8. The German manual states that 1050 with Happy or Speedy is required. I just did the last updates for the Greaseweazle. Attached is a scp from the Diskmaster side A. I have a modified Mitsumi drive (from an XF551) which can also dump backsides. Disk Master.zip
  9. Hi, I just found this thread again. I own the Disk-Master in version 1.3. However, the disk label says version 1.1. Well, as others have written, the "protection" consists of a real twenty-seventh sector. The sector number is actually $1B. And it's 256 bytes in size. So the disk is in the normal Enhanced Format with 40 tracks with 26 sectors that are 128 bytes in size. But tracks $0f - $16 also have sector $1B with 256 bytes. Is it possible to make a working backup of the disk master? Yes. Is this possible with original Atari 8-bit hardware? No. I had tried examining the disk. Only with a 1050 with Super Archiver, incl. Bitwriter. So loaded the Enhanced Density Archiver 3.03 and looked at the tracks. There really appears a 27er sector. And of course tried to copy. But there were typos while writing. Of course the copy didn't work. Now with a 1050 Speedy and the MS-Copy tried to copy. But when reading tracks $0F-$16 there was only garbage like 30 or 36 sectors. Try the Ultracopy 2.0 as a last chance for a Happy and Speedy. At least the 27th sector is displayed correctly here, with 256 bytes. See image. But when copying, the 27th sector is only 128 bytes. So no chance to do that with a 1050. The Happy Software 7.x can only do single density like the backup machine in the Turbo 1050. How to copy now? There is something like an Atari ST. Well, it must be useful for something So a 5.25" drive is connected to the ST. Either you take a 40 track drive, or an 80 track drive, which you jump to 40 tracks. Now if that shows up as drive B in the desktop, you can use it as a 360Kb floppy. You should also set the step rate to 6ms. Now I loaded the old procopy. Here you can analyze the disk again. In the picture you can see the following series of numbers. The first column shows track $0F The second column shows the disks page 00 (side A = bottom) The third column shows the sector number. $01-$1B The fourth column shows the sector size. 00 = 128 bytes, 01 = 256 bytes (see sector $1B), 02 = 512 bytes ... Now just copy the disk. Protectet, single side and format must be set. And tracks 01-40. After formatting and writing you have a really working copy of Diskmaster. The Disk Master runs on all 1050 Speedys but not on all Happys. I have at least 4 different roms in the mega speedy for the happy mode. The tracks are shifted on the original disk. The ST copy now has the tracks aligned with the index hole. Luckily the programmer didn't ask for this. I haven't tried the Discovery Cartrigge yet because I didn't have it then. Now, in January, I had already read out the disk master with Greaseweasle as scp. I wrote back the scp but it doesn't work. The 27th sector has 256 bytes.
  10. Unfortunately, I haven't found this user-friendly program for Atari 8-bit diskettes yet. @DjayBee: Put it to you in the cloud. Regarding Disk Master, I answered in the old thread.
  11. Oh a programmer from Happy Computers. please stay here We have hundreds of questions . The question came up about the Discovery Cart, in connection with Atari 8-bit floppy disks. I have a Discovery Cart that plugs into the Atari ST's ROM port. Now I connected 3.5 inch drives (Teac(HD) Sony...) to the Discovery Cart and copied some protected ST originals. Also protected Amiga disks. This works great. Brief description: It is best to only copy the protected tracks, as this process can take a long time. You can read out a complete floppy disk as a flux dump and save it on hard disk. First, some kind of script must be created so that the discovery cart knows what to do. Descriptions such as: Single or double sided disks. Normal tracks or protected tracks and much more. Unfortunately, operating the software is a real adventure. Not so user-friendly. Also, there is very little information about the Discovery Cart. Maybe you have more information about the Discovery Cart? Now to the Atari 8-bit floppy disks. A 5.25 inch drive connected to the Discovery Cart. Make sure that the drive is set to 40 tracks with the jumper. Or use a 40 track drive. Now I have copied a protected Single (90K FM) and a protected Medium (130K MFM) disk. The single density disk could not be read on the Atari 1050, only the first track. The medium density disk ran flawlessly. Seems to be problems with the FM format. I've had a Greaseweazle for a few months. Here I have the same effect. The mysterious Happy Chip is on the Discovery Cart. Will we ever find out how it works? I can also tell you something about the Disk Master. But later in the other thread, which completely slipped past me in 2019.
  12. One Standard Edition to germany, please. Hi PG and Poison, hope to see you at Fujiama 2023. From August 30 to September 03.
  13. I wasn't lucky last time. But now I have an AVG cartridge. No entry from me. Good luck everyone else. But what does AVG mean. Average? I do not believe that. This cartridge, as well as the previously released The!Cart, are simply fantastic cartridges. They are little superheroes for the Atari. That's why I call the AVG: The Avengers Cart. And the other one, see for yourself. I made my own labels for the little super heroes.
  14. Dear members, in memory of. As announced in Magazine #149, page 21: Members who would like to continue receiving a disk, please send an email with the subject "ABBUC Magazin Diskette" to: vorstand 🌀 abbuc point de your board
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