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About Tominator

  • Birthday 12/13/1968

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  • Interests
    Collecting Vintage systems, writing, mathematics, statistics, logic, probability, building engines, travel

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  1. If there are 20 on the website, if I order one how long before it ships? Thanks!
  2. My collection. 30+ years in the making. Yes, these are dust proof, moisture proof tubs. Most systems are not new, but I like to keep them dust free. 82 systems counting the vintage original systems and the modern minis / classics. Not including the 20+ Plug and Play systems. You could get technical and say an Atari 1040 STE and a Mega STE are essentially the same thing, but for the system count's sake, I did not group them. I have not focused on handheld systems, but they have crept into the collection through awesome finds and trades. And, yes, my chair is lame. My father made the large toybox for my children when the first one was born, and I had it re-upolstered with Arcade Logo fabric when they got too old for a toybox. It houses all kinds of extra cables and connectivity items required to get various systems working with various monitors or TVs. For the monitors / TVs, I have a PS3 3D TV, a Dell MutiSync Monitor (for the Atari STs and Amiga), an Atari ST monochrome and an Atari ST color monitor, a 4K TV, a 215 pound Sony Trinitron WEGA TV and finally a Sharp curved CRT good for the light guns. I have a broken Emerson Arcadia 2001 and Microvision, so they are counted in the total. Next items that I'm still working to get: Playstation 5 Xbox Series X Philips CDi Emerson Arcadia 2001Gameboy Color Amstrad 6128 Sinclair ZX Spectrum I started my collection with unique vintage controllers and then modded controllers for various systems, then adapters or adapted controllers that allow just about any system to use any controller, then finally modded systems. Not all systems are modded, but the vast majority of them have something that has modernized them in a user and game-library friendly way. Most Unique is probably the Amiga 1200 in a PC case with modern cooling, USB ports, CD32 capabilty, and Flash Drives. Favorites: The 800XL was my first computer and bought earning $3.10 an hour in a Target warehouse, so I am attached to it. I still love the Super Nintendo's hand drawn sprite games. Thanks for letting me share!
  3. Does anyone happen to have a complete set of Startup .STR files you can share? I am apparently missing some, one in particular is HSCPOKQU.STR. And any help with these Games... do I have the wrong Bankswitch or Startup? These all either load a a black screen or glitched screen. 7800: Battlezone 32 BZONE78 HSC_32K HSC 7800: Beef Drop (WIP)(Pokey) BD78POK 78HSCPOK HSCPOKQU 7800: Bentley Bear (RC1) BENTLEY 78SC_BIG 78BIOS 7800: Clean Sweep CLEANSWP HSC_32K HSC 7800: Clobberman CLOBBER HSC_32K HSC 7800: Defender DEFENDR 7832R16P 78QUICK 7800: Destert Falcon HSC INV DSRTFALI HSC_48K HSC 7800: Donkey Kong Title Tune DKTITLE 7800_16K 78BIOS 7800: Double Dragon DBLEDRAG ACT78 78BIOS 7800: Galaxian GALAXIAN HSC_32K HSC 7800: Impossible Mission C64 IMPMC64 78SC_R8K 78BIOS 7800: Invader of Space INVOSPC 78SC_R8K 78BIOS 7800: Klax (proto) KLAX78 78SC_LOW 78BIOS 7800: Ms. Pac-Man MSPAC78 HSC_32K HSC 7800: PP3 PP3 HSC_16K HSC 7800: PP3 INV PP3INV HSC_16K HSC 7800: Rampart (proto) RAMPART 78SC_R16 78BIOS 7800: Senso Dx SENSODX 7800_48K 78BIOS 7800: Slime Time SLIMETME 78SC_R16 78BIOS 7800: Slime Time 2 SLIME2 78SC_R16 78BIOS 7800: Space Junk SPACEJK HSC_16K HSC 7800: Space Pong SPPONG HSC_16K HSC 7800: Star Wars SW78 HSC_32K HSC 7800: Test Cart TEST78 7800_32K 78BIOS 7800: Wizard WIZARD 78SC_R16 78BIOS Thank you! Tom
  4. This site does a pretty good job of posting updates and improvements to the Gamebase databases. Atari 800 and Atari ST both have links here. https://www.t2e.pl/t2e-download/gamebase.706
  5. Double posting just in case my question was on the wrong thread: Am I missing something? (For Star Wars) The Ports thread shows "Atari Age Thread" for the rom and then that thread shows "roms in the Ports thread." I found most of the others... but this one and a few others seem to have a circular reference. lol.
  6. Am I missing something? The Ports thread shows "Atari Age Thread" for the rom and then that thread shows "roms in the Ports thread." I found most of the others... but this one and a few others seem to have a circular reference. lol.
  7. Thanks all. I guess I never realized both A & B popped up. I'll ignore that part and start to see what I can do with the internal HD. I have a few spare non-parity old school HDs. The community here is awesome as always. Tom
  8. I replied to a Craigslist ad for an SC1224 monitor, and when I arrived, the seller showed me a shed full of Ataris. He sold me the SC1224, 2 SC124 Monochrome monitors, a small color CRT TV (he insisted I take it) and the Mega STe with 4MB for $200. Comically he really just wanted someone to clear out his shed. I have a 1040STe, and an UltraSatan, but have 0 experience with an internal hard drive.
  9. All, I just scored a cheap Atari Mega STe. It boot up fine to the green screen. However, I show a Floppy A and a Floppy B and ho Hard Drive, while I have 1 Floppy and 1 Hard Drive. Strangely, if I click on the A drive it opens, click on the B it shows an error and then it works and A doesn't work. If I then click the A, it will error then work and back to where I started. Any ideas on what might be connected wrong to cause a ghost floppy to appear? Thanks in advance. Hoping to get this beauty working like my other Ataris.
  10. I do! I may try that for now. I am going to make / hack a controller in the long run. Thanks again.
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