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  1. Thanks for telling the community. Give us some feedback once received with some picts! I think I will never have this one... looking more for an early retirement instead.
  2. It might it! I would certainly prefer to see the Mega Millions winning number in advance... 🙃
  3. Great thanks. Just needed more coffee then to wake me up... I was probably sleep walking.
  4. Like I said to Stupus, I remember to have taken the box in my hand... It was Space Versus and ask Rev it was a new or old release because can't track anymore since my moving. He told me it was an old release... so I did not buy it. I am pretty sure it was Space Versus but in all PRGE pictures and movies, I am just finding Deep Zone. Only Rev can confirm this now.
  5. SPOILER ALERT! More details on the games available... for now. Sorry for the suffering. Elektronite is there with all of their previous releases.
  6. Yes you do because now, you have more people interested and ready to supply you Maple syrop anything!
  7. Ordered as promised. Thank you to Cote Gamers to have answer the (distress) call and increased slightly the number to fulfill its members' request!
  8. One can guess that they will be available at PRGE the week after... isn't it?
  9. Bump! One more to the list! But we need more... more... mas... mas.. encore.. encore...更多... 更多...
  10. I will stay and burn with them. Too many in stake. I will never succeed to have everything back and suffer from depression for years. 😭
  11. Bump! Expiring date is coming soon with fall. 12 to go (as Intellivotion and myself are ready two copies of each).... Clock ticking. Understand that these games already exist but Cote Gamers packaging is awesome. Refer to original thread and web site. They won't be remade so... anyone?!?
  12. missed them too... I am in for round 2. How do we know we are reaching another 20? Can't be selected for purchase. So far, we are 4.
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