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Moonsweeper (5/9)



  1. 6 major levels, each with 3 sub levels and a boss
  2. If you have any sort of flash cart (everdrive, etc), you can load up the demo from here and try it: https://gauauu.itch.io/the-storied-sword
  3. After releasing Anguna for the 2600 and the NES, I wanted to try my hand at a traditional action platformer. Today we launched a kickstarter for my latest project, The Storied Sword. If you're into twitchy action platformers like Ninja Gaiden or Batman, come check it out!
  4. If you think there's interest in that, we can make it happen. Other than reworking colors, we'd just need to recruit someone to do a full playthrough on PAL hardware to make sure nothing is broken later in the game.
  5. I've made a pal60 version, but never really sufficiently tested it, and the colors are a big ugly. Feel free to try it out and let me know if it doesn't work. anguna-pal60.bin
  6. Resurrecting this old thread to do a little bit of self-promotion: I've recently completed a NES port of Anguna. Instead of rewriting it as a completely new game, I wanted to see if I could take advantage of the shared 6502 CPU between the Atari and the NES, and keep most of the game logic code, replacing only the graphics and sound. I partially succeeded: much of the code was taken directly from the Atari game, but "just the graphics and sound" ended up being quite a bit of work! (Interestingly, the most challenging part was the glow of light in the dark rooms, which was really easy to program on the Atari, but took tons of time to get right on the NES!) We're getting ready to do a kickstarter to fund the cartridge release, so we'll see how it goes!
  7. As far as I know, he doesn't have any current plans to complete it.
  8. Ugh, I hate that that bug made it into the game. If you send me your password, I can send you a password that keeps your progress but starts you somewhere else so you can keep playing. (I keep thinking I should post a simple JavaScript app that will "fix" passwords that are stuck there.)
  9. Yes, pin 5 on each controller port is connected to +5. Unfortunately I don't have a 7800 that I can test with, but I'm eager to hear about everyone's test results, and I'll update the document as we go.
  10. gauauu


    Hmm, that's strange. I've heard issues about Quad Games not loading on some Harmony Carts without an update, I'll see if I can find details. (My Harmony is maybe 4 years old and hasn't been updated since I got it). No idea about the WoW demo, we'll have to see what @johnnywc thinks about it. There's a 4-player Surround-style game on QuadGames.
  11. Hi,

    I have a sketch of a circuit for the 8 port NES expander, as well as some code.




    Base is Arduino board (Nano) and plain IDE functions. Some speedup can be done using registers directly for I/O. Code was written to be ported with ease for other micro-controllers, as most of logic is in plain C, letting the IO in macros.



  12. gauauu


    Yeah I think so. The real cost would be the enclosure and 8 NES controller sockets. Being a non-standard connector, those things aren't as easy to pick up for cheap.
  13. gauauu


    A DIY version that chains together twice as many controllers. (The four score and satellite stream 2 controllers-worth of bits for each port. I want 4 on each port)
  14. gauauu


    Still tempting though with just using the buttons. Although it will be tough finding people that are willing to buy 2 or 3 extra sets of paddles and get a group of 8 people together. Niche market of niche markets ?
  15. gauauu


    I have a lot better luck getting my wife and kids to play the tiny demo-style 4-player games (like the little stuff on my quadgames, or @Karl G's raindrops demo) than I do other more involved games. The hardest part is getting them comfortable with the Atari joystick. It's amazing how kids these days can't figure out how to use that thing. They all fight over the genesis gamepads so that they won't have to use the joysticks.
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