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    Computer Archaeologist
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  1. Wow, the compiled version runs much better.
  2. Can I run RXB from the FinalGrom? If yes, can I save my programs?
  3. Oh wow, that many! I'll study the subject further, thanks!
  4. Have their been any advancements in the language, like new releases?
  5. Thanks. I am looking for 1 monitor to cover all of my collection, but this monitor will at least cover my Atari STEs. I wish it played well with the 800XL
  6. Does anyone have a complete list of vintage computers this monitor will work with? Would it work with a BBC Micro model B? What about 8 bit Atari computers? The Oric Atmos? Thanks!
  7. May I ask who long the entire process took you?
  8. You haven't left anything else out have you? ? At this rate, I might as well just keep it for parts instead of ordering everything.
  9. Thanks for the reply. I have a couple on order from China, they still haven't arrived, and I hope they aren't fakes when they get here. My order also contains a few 74LS04's
  10. The thing is, this specific TI99 I'm working on, exhibits the same type of errors as the video does thus far. I'm only using a multimeter, I don't have an oscilloscope. I'm worried If I skip to his 4th video, I might miss out on something important, but don't want to follow the video for hours If he is just testing useless things. From the errors so far in the video, what do you think is wrong with this TI, in this case mine, so I can take a short cut? Coincidentally, mine is also a beige unit, non QI.
  11. I find that he is quite knowledgeable and I'm trying to follow his footsteps where applicable to my broken machine. I was just wondering If anyone else has any experience with this channel?
  12. You know what those crazy $800,000 cartridge sales might be? Money laundering. Maybe people are money laundering through crazy auction sales, I just can't think of anything else. An $800,000 cartridge.
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