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About MrBlackCat

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  1. Missed this post... I have all of the VG Pocket series I think. Great little units with Video out. I still play them occasionally. I don't know anything about the games source for them though. MrBlackCat
  2. Excellent! Ordered. In 82/83 my father got us a Vic-20. The two games we got were Omega Race and Gorf. I would say Gorf is the only game my father really ever played and it was addictive to him. Almost every day for a months he would play it after he got home from work. I still have Vic-20's, but he hasn't played anything in decades, but when I explained to him that people today are still making games for Atari consoles he was really surprised... I told him that even the Arcade version of Gorf was being made he said he wanted to come by and try it to see what it was like. I will be setting up the ColecoVision, Vic-20 and the Atari, as well as the Arcade version on the ALU, side by side so he can relive the old and try the old new for the first time in almost 40 years. (he is 80 now) Thank you all for all the effort into games like this, can't wait to play it.
  3. I would say get it. Just because the line is coming to an end and their resale value is pretty good for the last few versions should you decide you don't want it. I don't have that many total hours on mine honestly, but I have never had one fail. MrBlackCat
  4. Good to see they are finally available in the US... unfortunate they are late this year. Several times over the years, I enjoyed getting them before Thanksgiving to enjoy other the holidays in the US. I will miss these FlashBacks as these stand alone units are the best thing about AtGames at this point with the Arcade Legends series life cycle kind of being on the downhill side now.
  5. I was not aware of this... The idea of this does not surprise me as their services seem to be in decline relative to the AtGame Legends. I was originally really impressed how much effort was put into updates that fixed bugs and added features. BUT... I was suddenly unable to log into the REQUIRED AtGames servers a while back without any changes on my end. So far I have only gotten redirects and ultimately no response from tech support. The internet dependency of the advanced features of the Legends series will likely be its downfall. Since then, I no longer support or recommend these units unless someone wants to just play a couple of arcade games and some Atari games in a nostalgic like package. All I see is "Product Lifecycle" written all over this. I would NEVER have bought such a unit based on its stock configuration. But it is what it is. Just in case anyones first reaction is lost passwords or ID issues etc, it isn't. I can log into my online account just fine and see my ID, successfully change my account password etc. My Legends account page is where I have wasted time trying to get tech support. From now own I will trust my instincts and stick to non-subscription based systems... I do have a resistance to supporting AtGames through their other products like the Flashback series now. Logically I doubt it really matters in the scope of things or I would not have bought the 50th Flashback Gold... and the Flashback units don't have a Product Lifetime based on an improbably successful internet service. MrBlackCat
  6. This forum isn't so active anymore relative to FlashBacks, but I am guessing there are many persons who have most or all. My wife actually bought me the original Flashback from WalGreens after I looked at it too long. Around this time I discovered Atari Age forums. After learning about what it was a bit, the exceptionally cute (for the time) FlashBack 2 came out and it was just on for me. Then the Handhelds... I love all types of gaming. I honestly don't play them for long periods like I do modern systems, but I play them weekly since they came out. Because I am busy, I built this cabinet as a GameBoy Color to house them... I am SO glad I jumped on the Coleco and Intellivision units! At first I saw them as just "the way" the mini console market would go, but slowly my view changed to "what if this is a dead branch" and pre-ordered both. From then on, I buy them every year they were offered. I am not really a "collector" and don't have or care to have every variant. The Amazon listing seems sketchy... if you really want one, as stated above, the source in Dubai shipped really fast. I do my best with cable management, so here was my solution for keeping the Flashbacks accessible... because many of the systems overlap in games, I don't keep every model available here.
  7. My Flashback Gold arrived safely today... shipped from UAE to the southern USA in 8 working days. Sometimes shipping within my state takes that long. Excellent. I haven't played it yet, but I have tested the unit, paddles and joystick. Everything is fine. Glad to add this one to the AtGames Tower of Shame.
  8. I ordered one from the same place John Hancock did, just to see what happens. Not sure why they have them still in stock, but they do. I ordered it on Monday (Nov-28th) and it just cleared customs this morning (Dec 3rd) coming from UAE to the US. Supposed to be here in a few days... so far so good. We shall see.
  9. I checked the usual locations locally here, no luck. Most years Dollar General stores have them out at Thanksgiving day or Black Friday, but this year they really didn't have much of the usual seasonal merchandise out. If I see them out in the Southern US, I will post here. I would like to get the Gold Edition this year.
  10. I understand... I too prefer options, as it is better for the market most of the time. I wonder if the units without wireless controllers still have the wireless receiver hardware inside of them to work with wireless controllers from earlier models. I might test this as I do have models that came with them. If so, maybe you can trade me your wired for my wireless controllers. MrBlackCat
  11. Do you mean because of the Wired controllers? If so, this might not be for everyone... I have all FlashBacks and play them occasionally and much prefer the wired to wireless controllers. No batteries to fail, be removed, or replaced, as well as no potential damage from corrosion should batteries leak inside the controller. In the past, lag was another issue, but that was not an issue on the later versions in my experience. I always use wired controllers unless I am testing. Because of these things, I always seek out wired controllers. In the past there have been wired versions specifically produced for different vendors which I seek out. Are there other reasons for being huge disappoint? MrBlackCat
  12. I suppose I will be doing the physical unit just one more time. "Will it ever end? Will I need a larger house? Tune in next year to find out!" I am not sure if I should find a Support Group for the physical Atari Flashbacks, or if I should be the one to start the group myself out of sheer desperation... ... but I will try to get one of these. I am not sure if this is addiction or tradition anymore. MrBlackCat
  13. I can't go to the show, but I will be buying this one. I have really enjoyed Galagon on the 2600 both nostalgically and technologically. Seeing the adaptation to the 2600s limitations is fascinating. When we got our Vic-20 Christmas 1982, Gorf was one of two games we got with it for Christmas, so Gorf and I go way back. Can't wait... MrBlackCat
  14. LOL! Thank you Bill L. I was looking for an app or interface rather than a contextual direct button. I suppose my eyes were always in the upper menu during navigation and never caught the context change. No wonder there was nothing to find about it on the internet, I am likely the only one blind enough to be searching for it! Maybe there is just one more person who can't find it and they will benefit from this post and your time as well. Amazing product, very pleased. Thank you again for your time, MrBlackCat
  15. This thread seems pretty inactive now, but I will give this a shot... I spent about 10 minutes trying to figure out how to access the Notifications on the Legends Ultimate and was unsuccessful... it must be extremely simple and I am just missing it. It says I have 10+ notifications now. I DID use the search engine here on the forum as well as about 45 minutes with a dozen Google searches... so what are these notifications, and how can I access them? I update the Legends Ultimate a couple of times a month at least... and I am on the current version as of this posting. Thank you, MrBlackCat
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