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  1. Just got my copy of the game, and it's really well done. I wanted to thank Steve (is it?) and whoever else was involved in bringing this game to fruition. It's not only fun to play (tough!), and beautiful visually and sonically, but all the details around the game are well thought out and executed - the box looks fantastic, the overlay is great and of high quality, the instruction booklet is very professional-looking. It seems a little pricey when you're paying for it, but when something is done this well, I don't mind spending the money - someone should be paid for doing good work - haven't regretted it one bit. How lucky are we that folks are still making new games this good for this 40-year old system? - Vectorblade, any of Tuts' games, the VecFever (if you can get one), and now Vyrzon! We're lucky to have so many talented people interested in the Vectrex. Thanks for an incredible game! Hope you make some money off it so you'll do it again!
  2. I'm fine with an additional charge for a right-thumbed controller. But whether the pad is on the right or left, I'll still want 2 of them if possible. Thanks!
  3. I'd like to buy 2 when they're available. If your engineer decides that it's feasible to make versions with the pad on the right as well, I'd prefer 2 of those (right-thumbed).
  4. I hadn't heard anything in a long time - just wanted to make sure I'm still on the list for a deluxe controller. I'm not a facebook guy, so hopefully I'll hear something here. Thanks, Paul
  5. I'd love to buy one of the custom sticks you mentioned. Could you put me down for 1?
  6. Thanks for putting this out there, Joe....you got the music and sound effects just right! Good job!
  7. I agree...love them little lines. I don't know about the hardware that creates scanlines (unless you mean a CRT). This is a little off-topic, as it doesn't really apply to the Intellivision emulator, but if you guys run MAME on the pi, there's a British fellow named John Merritt who's taken fantastic photos of arcade machines that make great overlays/bezels. If you like the authentic look of scanlines, check out those overlays...they're impressive!
  8. Glad I could help, Meatball - I've been helped alot by others in here...trying to pay it back. Coolcv is a great emulator! And I really like the Logitech controllers for playing these games on the pi. I'm more of an Intellivision guy, so I use those controllers for the intv, but for everything else, these Logitech controllers are great. I've switched over to the F710's - the wireless version of the F310 - and they work great too. Same keymapping as the F310's so I don't have to change anything - and no wires! And cdn2a - welcome to the club! Configuring the controllers is usually the hardest part - just be patient. I haven't figured out how to map a two-button exit from coolcv either...unless I use an Intellivision flashback controller. There's a hackfile and software for that controller that ouputs a button "5" (normally an unused button) when "6"+"Enter" are pressed together, so you just tell coolcv that exit is button "5"...and then it exits the emu when you press "6" and "Enter". I'd imagine those Colecovision flashback controllers could do the same thing if you had a couple of those. Ask nanochess about a 2-button exit. He knows a thing or two about this emulator.
  9. In re-reading that last post, I think the part about the scanlines could be confusing. I meant that I added scanlines to all the retroarch emu's...not the intellivision or coolcv, since those aren't retroarch emu's. But for all the others, I do like the scanline look. And then there are overlays....uh boy!
  10. I'm using the same controller and it works just fine with coolcv. I've attached my coolcv_mapping.txt file. See if that helps. I have it set so that the L shoulder button is keypad 1 and the R shoulder button is keypad 2. Exiting is from the Logitech button in the center of the controller (button 8, as retropie sees it). Feel free to change around what you need, but hopefully this will get you started. If you're not sure how the buttons on your F-310 are actually seen by retropie, run: jstest /dev/input/js0 That will show you how your buttons are numbered. I've attached a pdf file that shows how mine are seen by the pi. coolcv_mapping.txt F310 buttons.pdf
  11. OK, it had to be done. I loaded up retropie 4.1 on a pi2 I had lying around to see what's new on 4.1. You know you were all wondering. I'm using the INTV flashback controllers with 2 vision-dapters. jzintv is included in the build, but I couldn't get the included jzintv to run MsPacman, so I replaced it with a copy of jzintv that Byte Knight sent me, changed the permissions of jzintv to 0755, and then it worked perfectly. - I put the same hackfile I've been using (the one from David's website) in: opt/retropie/emulators/jzintv - I put ecs.bin, exec.bin, grom.bin and ivoice.bin in: /home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS - I changed /opt/retropie/configs/intellivision/emulators.cfg to read: jzintv = "/opt/retropie/emulators/jzintv/bin/jzintv -p /home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS --kbdhackfile=/opt/retropie/emulators/jzintv/hackfile.cfg -z1366x768,16 %ROM%" default = "jzintv" (I used "-z1366x768" since I'll be using a 720 TV. Change it to "1920x1080" if needed....or "-z1 -x1" if you want that ole 4:3 ratio.) And voila! Intellivision works like a charm...pause, reset and exit all work. And the games look perfect at 16x9....all the emulators look sharp as a tack! They were so clean, I had to add scanlines - speaking of which, you can put in by adding the 3 lines below to the file: /opt/retropie/configs/"system"/retroarch.cfg video_shader = /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/shader/crt-pi.glslp video_shader_enable = true video_smooth = false Just make sure you put them above the #include..... line. Pick another shader if you don't like "crt-pi.glslp" - If you want to start adding overlays to the intellivision, they go in: /opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/downloaded_images/intellivision/ (create the last folder, if it's not there) - If you want to start changing the look of the game menu, go to: /etc/emulationstation/themes/carbon/carbon.xml (I made my overlays much larger and moved them around a bit - got rid of most of the other text as well) I'm also running, libretro-mame (2003), nes, snes, vectrex, colecovision (coolcv), neo-geo, atari 2600, pc engine and kodi - they all work very smoothly. The only hitch so far is that I am able to use the 6+enter combination to exit any of those emulators, but the 4+clear and 5+0 combos don't work. They all work in jzintv, but only the exit combo works in all the emulators. I'm poking around in the main retroarch.cfg file, but haven't found the magic key yet. David is helping me fiddle around. In response to the quoted query, some folders have moved around in this version to the extent that I didn't think I could just copy over David's files to retropie 4.1, so I've just been changing files manually. But I think he's getting itchy to do an update... And on that note, I just wanted to thank everyone at this forum for all the help I've been graciously given the last two years as I've built about 5 of these things for nephews, nieces and friends, and gotten the software up and running from versions 2.1 on up to the current 4.1. In particular, intvdave, Byte Knight, mthompson and mckafka99 - you guys have all been hugely helpful and generous with your time and advice and it's greatly appreciated. It's a really helpful community that's been a necessity when dealing with this fun/frustrating project! Many thanks to everyone!
  12. Hey Dave, So glad to hear you're finally gonna let this thing out into the wild! I'm looking forward to trying to hit that fast pitch! It'll have to be the ROM for me as my INTV hardware has been broken for years.
  13. Hi Tif, I'm not all that familiar with linux, but on my windows 7 machine, I'm using WinSCP to access the pi2. I had to find the option in WinSCP that let me see hidden files and folders and check that before some folders would show up...maybe that's what's happening with not being able to see the opt folder? Hopefully, you'll be able to figure out how to view the opt folder - it's gotta be there somewhere. Once you can see all the folders, this should help you get coolcv running: - create a folder called "colecovision" in /home/pi/RetroPie/roms - create a folder called "coolcv" in /opt/retropie/emulators - download the coolcv emulator for the pi (version 0.6.2) here: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/240800-coolcv-emulator-for-mac-os-x-linux-windows-and-raspberry/page-1 - unzip coolcv_pi to the folder you just created - set its permissions to 0755 - add these lines to es_systems.cfg (etc/emulationstation/es_system.cfg): <system> <name>colecovision</name> <fullname>ColecoVision</fullname> <path>~/RetroPie/roms/colecovision</path> <extension>.rom .ROM .col .COL</extension> <command>/opt/retropie/emulators/coolcv/coolcv_pi %ROM% </command> <platform>colecovision</platform> <theme>colecovision</theme> </system> - save the file you just edited - make sure you have some roms in the colecovision folder - Restart the pi - Hopefully, coolcv will run then - run one game... - Look for a file called "coolcv_mapping.txt" in /home/pi - In that file you can edit the controller configuration for coolcv.
  14. Dave, you amaze me... I was doing the same thing with the permissions....I'll try it now. Holy cow - that fixed it! Thank you, and ByteKnight and pimpmaul. I knew the hive brain could figure it out.
  15. I did try to run that version on the pi, and that explains why that one didn't work (thanks). I'm a bit of an ignoramus when it comes to compiling, so I'm going to have to leave that to smarter folks here than me. I don't think it's an issue with how old the version jzintv is...sounds like it's just some basic problem with that one ROM. MsPacMan works fine on Nostalgia, but of course, the pi doesn't run that.
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