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About cessnaace

  • Birthday 03/24/1958

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    Jacksonville, FL, USA
  • Interests
    Gaming, especially Retro. I own over 30 gaming systems. Oh, and Pinball. I love pinball!
  • Currently Playing
    Draconian, Go Fish!
  • Playing Next
    Something for my Atari 7800 ProSystem. Could be a game for the 2600, or the 7800. Or maybe something for one of my other systems. Who knows?

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  1. I'm referring to physical releases here. GAMES PORTED ALREADY Chaos Engine, The Custodian Defender of the Crown Fantasy World Dizzy Gods Head Over Heels Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe Stormbringer Treasure Island Dizzy Xenon 2: Megablast GAMES THAT WILL PROBABLY BE PORTED SOON (Or Eventually) Bubble Dizzy Crystal Kingdom Dizzy Dizzy Down the Rapids Dizzy Panic aka Panic Dizzy Dizzy Prince of the Yolkfolk Fast Food aka Fast Food Dizzy Kwik Snax (a Dizzy game) Magicland Dizzy Spellbound Dizzy PORTS I'D LIKE TO SEE Buggy Boy aka Speed Buggy Gauntlet Gauntlet II Leisure Suit Larry Leisure Suit Larry 2 Leisure Suit Larry 3 Lemmings Lemmings 2: The Tribes Pinball Wizard Revenge of the Mutant Camels Robotron: 2084
  2. I've never experienced any problems running any 2600 or 7800 homebrews in my 7800. The sticker on the bottom has printed: 72R4BR A1 84 5300097 Mark
  3. Al, Thanks. Personally I've never had a game for the 2600 or 7800 not work in my 7800. Oh, I've had the occasional times when I'd start a game and it wouldn't come up properly, but as you mentioned turning the system off, pulling the cartridge out and then reseating it, and turning the system back on does the trick. I bought my 7800 when it was new. Now the 2600 Jr. is a different kettle of fish. I have two and both have switches that have gone bad. Hence why I use my 7800 so much (usually with a Genesis Controller; w/Seagul 78 Control Adapter on games for the 7800). I rarely use my 7800 PainLine Controllers, so one is like new and the other has never been used. Mark
  4. Marco, I've ordered a Custom 2600 Cart w/Melody Board and included a note for ROM Version 3. At the same time I ordered the box and manual. Is that all that I need to do? I play all of my 2600 games on a 7800. Someone posted about a problem with their 7800 playing Pitkat. Is that a common problem? I've also sent a note to Al about this order and asking him for contact info so that I can donate money to this project (unless it's no longer needed). Mark
  5. OK, I've been absent for awhile so maybe I missed something. The time of release on pre-orders is January. But is that of 2022, or was January 2021 the original target month?
  6. OK, so maybe I'm not the most tech savvy of gamers but I should be able to download and import ROMs for Atari 2600 games, especially as I have two emulators. To be clear I CAN download and import most commercial games from back-in-the-day, with a few exceptions. Mostly a handful of games from 20th Century-Fox and SEGA. But I've had ZERO success with homebrews and WIPs. Since a user at http://highscore.com/ submitted a score for Abyss of Chernobyl: 90 Seconds I've been wanting very much to play it. I have no idea if it's getting a physical release. I hope so. A factor to consider is that I have Doxillion Plus on my PC, which I use to archive all of my ROMs. I download the ROM that I want, and extract it with Doxillion Plus into the Folder of my choice. EMU7800 Version 2.2 (Core 1.4) Once downloaded I import the ROM file into EMU7800. This emulator will import most everything from back-in-the-day, but fails when it comes to some Fox and SEGA games. Stella Version 6.0 Has a ton of ROMs already, but whenever I try to download ANY homebrews, regardless of if they're a WIP or are finished games, Doxillion Plus pops up and I get an error message that reads (as an example) The file "Abyss0.19NTSC.bas.bin" cannot be loaded because its format is not supported in Doxillion Document Converter. What is the snag, and if I purchased a Harmony Cart what steps are involved in downloading ROMs into it? Abyss of Chenobyl is a large game. 64k I believe. Does the Harmony Cart have a size limit as far as individual games are concerned? I performed a search for the Harmony Cart at the AtariAge store but couldn't find it. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. Thanks for the detailed information. I greatly appreciate. Now all I need is $750.
  8. I have some basic questions. If the Super Game Module was never produced, why are they being sold on sites such as eBay and Amazon. At $750 no less! https://www.amazon.com/ColecoVision-Super-Module-Ultimate-Wafer-Drive/dp/B07CVDTT8F And why are there homebrews for the ColecoVision that require the SGM? http://www.gooddealgames.com/inventory/Colecovision.html
  9. Thanks for the info Al. That's a worry off my mind.
  10. I've got a ColecoVision coming my way, so I've been wanting to order come homebrews for this system. However it doesn't seem to be possible any longer at the AtariAge Store. When I click on a title I can see the info for it, including cost and so forth, but there's no option to add these games to my Shopping Cart. Furthermore, while there is a link to click to add each of these games in my Wishlist, when I click on it nothing happens. What's going on? Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place, but this was the closest appropriate place that I could find.
  11. I've been busying ordering games for my Atari platforms, although I'll be adding another retro console to my collection soon, so I'll soon begin purchasing games for it. More on that further down. All listed software (Games) are for the 2600. Recently Arrived, And Shown On My Youtube Channel: Software @eBay Beany Bopper Mega Force Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatoes Turmoil Recently Arrived, But Not Yet Shown On My Youtube channel: Hardware Atari 5200 Trak-Ball Controller. Boxed. Refurbished by @AwesomeOgre. I traded my spare Boxed Commodore 64 for it. Software @AtariAge Aardvark (CIB) Software @eBay Alligator People (Prototype Reproduction). I already own the cart offered by @AtariAge, however this one uses the same artwork as found on the cover of a DVD release of The Alligator People. Doesn't appear to be from Hozer, but then I've never dealt with them so don't know what to look for. Spacemaster X-7 Ordered, But Hasn't Arrived Yet (Or Even Shipped Yet In Some Cases): Hardware ColecoVision console, being refurbished and modded for Composite Outputs by @AwesomeOgre Software @AtariAge Roach In Space, A (CIB) Seaweed Assault (CIB) Strat-O-Gems Toyshop Trouble Software @eBay Amidar (CIB) Astroblast M.A.D. N.E.R.D.S. (Homebrew; CIB) Star Wars: The Empire Strike Back I had never found a copy of N.E.R.D.S. before, but did tonight while trying to hunt down a decent, and affordable, cart of H.E.R.O. Video by CheapTech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzuOVLH2NBo I've been wanting to order some ColecoVision games from @AtariAge for obvious reasons. However that option doesn't seem to be currently available. I can't even add them to my AtariAge Wishlist. Strange. Feel free to post your comments below. ?
  12. Al,


    I tried ordering some ColecoVision games but the Add To Cart option does not appear for any of the CV titles. I can't even add them to my Wishlist. Is AtariAge experiencing some sort of difficulty with these titles? I'm having a ColecoVision console refurbished and modded, and it would be nice to have some homebrews to play on it.



  13. That's approx. $250 U.S. Dollars. Two sets of wico controllers make it a bit tempting, but I currently don't have that kind of money laying around.
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