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TPR last won the day on October 20 2018

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    Orlando, FL

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  1. Haven't you been around here long enough to realize that patience is required for all of these kinds of projects? Subscribe to the topic by clicking the box at the top and you'll be notified of any updates.
  2. I'm assuming you're taking about this: Why does everyone always want to assume there is some sort of conspiracy going on? As someone who made many game manuals in the 80s, I can tell you that sometimes you just use whatever assets you have at hand laying around and there's a very good chance that the person who designed that manual, probably never even saw the Intellivision version of the game and probably had no clue whatsoever that it was different. They were probably also given like an hour to put together that manual and box, and let's be honest, it could have been a brown paper bag that said "Pac-Man" on it in Crayon and it would have sold a bazillion copies, so just be happy there was any graphical element to the box or the manual to begin with....
  3. I just tried Chrome on three different computers using two different internet connections and I didn't get any sort of warnings.
  4. Very interested! I have also given you edit access to your first post if you want to update that post as well with all this information so people don't have to go digging through the topic.
  5. I have updated the first post with a new zip file of all 16 games including the latest game: http://inufuto.web.fc2.com/8bit/antiair/#coleco
  6. Of all the different boxed consoles I have in my collection from the US, all over Europe, Australia, and S. America the only two pack-ins I've seen are Donkey Kong and Mouse Trap. Unless you want to get super obscure and count Meteoric Shower for the Dina!
  7. I would recommend making that request! It's a super fun game to play!
  8. After seeing the same question pop up over and over again over at the AtariAge Facebook Group, I decided to make a video showing how you can load a single ROM onto the Harmony cart:
  9. Yes, I finally just did:
  10. "Super Game Module" compatible games and Opcode's "Super Game Cartridge" are not the same thing.
  11. I don't think we need any more of your drama in this topic....
  12. Have them all. Love them. Also, I wouldn't hold the 2600+ thing against Champ Games. They were making their homebrews long before the 2600+ was a thing. And remember... *technically* the 2600+ can play them, it's just the cart dumper on the 2600+ doesn't know how to dump them. Hopefully Atari will get it all sorted out at some point soon.
  13. I am well aware of the other design as I have all three boxes. Like I said, it was just something quick I made up in five minutes to add to my RetroPie so there wasn't a blank missing image icon. I wasn't going to be a graphic designer with them nor was I going to suggest they be turned into packaging. Maybe I should have just not bothered sharing them. Now at least I know better for next time. EDIT: I went ahead and just deleted them. They really were for my own personal use anyway. Thanks guys. This is a reminder that I don't belong here and I'll just stick to the ColecoVision forum. Thanks. Bye.
  14. Hobo, yes. The other two based on the Arcadia 2001 boxes but then also using Gigapixel to enhance. I personally thought the Hobo 2001 box art was terrible so I just had AI generate something new!
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