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  1. Hi guys, I know this isn't strictly Atari, but I just wanted to let you know my retro SHMUP, Horizon Shift '81, is launching on PS4 and Steam tomorrow. It's heavily influences by Atari and the golden age of gaming and there's even an Atari 2600 port
  2. Ha ha, that's always a good thing Thanks so much for playing it!
  3. Thank you Yeah, I'm looking to add online leaderboards. We didn't have them for launch because we informed Nintendo too late so they didn't have time to setup the servers
  4. Ha ha no problem I've been obsessed with 80's Arcade games forever, so had to include CRT.
  5. Thank you Yeah, it would be crazy not to include it. The Switch is so perfect for Tate shmups. Especially with the flipgrip coming out!
  6. Would love to, not really sure how to go about it though.
  7. Thanks man No it doesn't actually, that's a good call though. I might see if I can get one uploaded. Didn't even think about it TBH.
  8. Hey guys, I just released my indie shooter, Horizon Shift '81 on the Switch, as it was a retro game I thought it needed a retro port So I knocked together an Atari 2600 version. It's pretty basic, but I still think it's fun . Here's a little bit of footage of the 2600 version: If you want to give it a go you can download the ROM from my website www.flumpstudios.co.uk If you're interested in the Switch version here's the trailer: Thanks for you time guys!
  9. Hi Guys, Just wanted to let you know my new switch SHMUP, Horizon Shift '81 was just launched on the Switch eShop. It's basically a mix of all my favorite 80's arcade games squashed into one, to make something that hopefully feels a bit fresh. Here's the trailer: It's been reviewing surprisingly well so far too. Defunct just reviewed it and had this to say "This is one of the best shoot 'em ups available on the Nintendo Switch"! Here's his video review: I also knocked up an Atari 2600 version of Horizon Shift, you can grab the off my website www.flumpstudios.co.uk
  10. Hey man, I made this game. Thanks for making this post I would love and I mean LOVE to see/make a vectrex version! Everyone knows the vectrex is friggin awesome! I'm actually looking into a Dreamcast version but a vectrex version didn't really occur to me. I might actually look into this, would be an amazing learning process. Gonna need a lot of help though
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