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  1. First off, tremendous game. Very fun and it's such a treat to even have an AI! My small thoughts. Even though the Press Fire is a nice UX improvement, I don't like how it breaks the immersion, I know they are just sprites but I believe you should treat your on screen players with more care and not interchange them with letters but respect their 'life' as the player's avatar. In a similar vein when the game is complete I think it would be good to take control of the players and move them to the celebration position instead of the jump cut. I know, some tiny game feel suggestions... But maybe you can ponder on them. Thanks for taking the time to learn all you have and climbed that hill to ascent a very tough little system to master! Great work!
  2. I had considered it but and a bunch of other features but in the end I just wanted to keep it as simple as possible so as not to delay release. Also, I thought that most people don't have modified Vectrex that were hooked to color displays - I kind of forgot about emulator support. I might do a new version and maybe put an option for colors.
  3. Hey folks, here's my first Vectrex production an homage to the 1983 CES Amiga demo by legends Dale Luck and R. J. Mical. Yes it's another Boing demo from me. LOL www.youtube.com/shorts/FSbghPfONzM Boing.bin
  4. Some great ideas you've posted. I really would get crackin... but my day job is making games and it's pretty all consuming. I have arranged for a major break at Christmas so perhaps you should remind me then.
  5. Let me add my own words here to honor Nukey (Kurt) Great guy. So many contributions... . It saddens me greatly.
  6. I think Ninjish Guy in a Lo Res World captures a lot of the ethos that I was thinking of when I made this so many years ago. Sometime in the early 2000s someone made an article and a series of accompanying Flash games that boiled down a lot of game mechanics to just the most minimalist lo res graphics and often needing only a single button. That resonated with me. I'm glad to see a lot of these minimalist games did get completed on the 2600. A lot more is still possible and it would be cool to see a 4 level version of Mega Man 2600.
  7. How do you bitbang on a Pokey. Can you use it as a 1 bit I/O to control a transistor for example. Turn on. Turn off. I understand the logic level is 4V on and 0 V off which falls into TTL logic spec. Just wondering how to take control of ensuring it goes true and false without worrying about it inserting start bits and stop bits.
  8. IKR? I read my posts and was - I used to know 2600 stuff? LOL This was 15 years ago... another short 5 years and it will have been 20 years! which is about how long from 2006 I originally had a 2600...
  9. Yeah the "let alone any", is what I what I could have maybe predicted but there's no way in hell I'd imagine carts with tiny supercomputers inside.
  10. I'm pretty sure this was later surfaced in this very long thread but appreciate your contribution!
  11. That was an amazing night. I miss those...
  12. Hey CPUWiz. Before you peace out I want to tell you and everyone how much I appreciated your dedicated help when I was on a tight deadline to get my Mega Man demo out all those years ago. You really came through with coding advice and boards for me and a lot of good stories. Thanks so much.
  13. C? ARM? Chris you big fat cheater. I love it! Great job. It's fantastic.
  14. Sorry I missed your stream James. I thought it was Friday. ?
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