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About Count9929A

  • Birthday 04/16/1971

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    Retrocomputing, Computer Science, animation

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  1. Also, ECS and AGA machines (A500+, A600, A1200 are the "wedge"ones) can display both PAL and NTSC (+ several other modes)
  2. First of all Mizapf thank you very much for your great work! My "TI99 life" is mainly based on your efforts, since not having a Windows PC my preferred emulator is MAME, and since I heavily rely on TIImageTool to handle disks image. I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you, maybe I should give you rematch in the TI invaders competition 🙂 Besides yours, the other essential tool to carry on my TI99 activities is my NanoPEB, which I use actively and with much satisfaction, also thanks to the ease with which TIIMT allows me to manage the CF... so please continue to support it!! 🙂 Then again I agree with you that direct support in MAME, although nice is not essential, my workflow that uses TIIMP to exchange files between NanoPEB and MAME is efficient enough for my needs.
  3. The first version of Miniwriter is a tape for minimemory. Dumps are available on Wht
  4. Hi thanks, I have FG99, I thought RBX could do a magic trick. Thanks for the suggestion, I have successfully used MAME to load the GRAM cracker files
  5. So, using RXB is possibile to load such files in a real TI without a GRAM cracker or similar extra hardware? That would be wonderful!
  6. I belive that the disk is indeed in a collection for PC99... I didn't know that this emulator has special features
  7. dear @HOME AUTOMATION many thanks, but unfortunately the version in the disk has the speech, like the one on GameShelf or in other places. I am looking for a dump in program format of the released cart, that do not feature the speech (it is a pity). it might seem strange that I am looking for a version with less feature, but it's just to complete a collection of Imagic software in all existing formats 🙂
  8. Sure: ff 09 20 00 60 00 ff 06 20 00 a0 00 ff 05 20 00 80 00 00 04 20 00 60 00 Each of the files has lenght 8198 according to TI Image Tool Yes I have the DF80 version with speech, is 181 sectors
  9. Hello, For collection purposes only, I am seeking for an executable file (EA5 or EA3) of the "release version" of Demon Attack, namely the version without the speech. (do you have one?) During my inquiry I came across a disk that is supposed to be full of cart dumps. It has 4 files that seem related to Demon Attack (PHM3219), thate are named as follows: PHM3219* PHM3219*1 PHM3219*2 PHM3219*3 I thought that they might be an EA5 executable, but the EA loader returns error 07. I have also tried by renaming the first file to PHM33219*0, but didn't work. Any idea of what format these files are? Any chance to execute them from a "standard" loader such as the one in EA?
  10. Hi, I am resurrecting this thread to say a big THANK YOU to all you guys that helped me with precious information! Thanks to all of you that answered to my questions! This is really a great community! I am progressing on the topic, albeit slowly (beacuse of few time, not of difficulties). Now using Fast Term (as cart image) I am finally able to exchange files form the real TI to the Amiga, and from there to the internet any other PC. For now this suffice my needs, but soon I will try MagicFM on the real TI, which should be really useful because, indeed you were right that setting up the file transfer process one file at the time, with Fast Term + NComm is awkward (but works!).
  11. Hi, I found a disk image on WHT that has 2 versions of BLASTO. Both are composed by 2 files: one pair is called BLASTO/BLASTP the other is called CHAMPBLAST/CHAMPBLASTU. I visually compared the two, but I am unable to spot any difference. However I find strange to find on the same floppy, two identical programs, so maybe there is some difference that I cannot find, considering that I didn't have the time to play a lot with them today. Are different versions of Blasto known to exist?
  12. Seems an interesting game, unfortunately I was unable to play this month... I am a bit confused because of the various versions available. I am counting: TI RUNNER Original (disk based, both EA3 and EA5 available) TI RUNNER 2 (disk) TI RUNNER 3 (disk) Star Runner (cart) Any more? Plus the level Editor (just one version)
  13. was selected but decided to skip because it's impossible to finish level 2 (in NTSC)
  14. Oh Thanks!!! I was about to post an help request here, because I was unable to run XB2.9 on real TI+FG99. Carefully reading solved all my problems! 🙂 I can confirm the filename issue, however please notice that the Docs already provide the correct names! In particular the file "1README.PDF", at the bottom, explicitly says that for FG99 you have to rename the files as indicated by Vorticon Indeed, my problems were due to the other problem you mentioned! I was experiencing that when starting XB29, after half-second delay, the screen got garbled. The strangeness was that XB29 was still running, only the display was not working. I could blindly type commands like LOAD, NEW, BYE and see that they were executed. Using the "20220623" version solved the issue. Please notice that I was previously using the version that I found in the JUWEL4+GEM package, which seems to contain an older version of XB2.9 that is *not* fixed for this issue (see
  15. ...is the original MINI MEMORY, image. ok, then this is consistent to the behaviour I see. But then I wonder why the OP has posted this link in this thread, which is supposed to be a repository for images intended to be used with the FR99/FG99... ok, it's usable, but not completely. I also wonder what's the purpose of including that CFG, that seems to contain exaclty the "R" byte needed to enable the FG99 RAM-mode. I'd like to ask to the OP, but it seems he is not an AA user anymore 😞 ok, this is the one I already have, with the added SAVE MINIMEM feature, that mimicks the backed-up RAM of the real Minimem cart wow thanks you, I didn't spot this one! And congratulations, it's a very good job, seems really useful!! 🙂 Thanks you for the info, too!
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