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  • Custom Status
    Metal Slime
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  • Location
    Green Bay
  • Interests
    Video games, Lego, shoving old game systems into custom Lego shells, many forms of music including metal and some jazz.
  • Currently Playing
    Stella Glow
    Phantasy Star III

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  1. Yeah, I upgraded mine to an SSD about a year ago. Makes the system much snappier. It does suck about the forced installs. Hasn't really been a problem for me since I stay away from AAA stuff and don't really buy too many games now anyways.
  2. Still have my modded DSiXL, but rarely use it anymore. Play all my DS games on PC now. Mostly the Castlevania games with touch controls disabled.
  3. I find most NES music to be grating and unpleasant, but that may be due to my hearing disorder. I really love the Castlevania soundtracks though.
  4. I mostly agree with these rankings. Although, if you take backwards compatibility out of the equation, the PS3 would rank much lower IMO. Well, at least for Japanese RPGs.
  5. The Dreamcast has a handful of titles that I really love, but Super Nintendo has Castlevania, the DKC games, Actraiser, Super Mario World, Super Metroid, Chronicles Trigger, and Final Fantasy 4 through 6. SNES wins easily.
  6. Blame YouTube collectors. From a lot of the videos I've seen in the past, many collect for the system just because it has such a small library and should be easy to complete the set.
  7. Gran Turismo 5 (and most likely 6) let you use custom soundtracks. They are implemented really well, with songs starting at the beginning of the race.
  8. Okay, so I selected TG-16 in the poll, but should have actually chose SNES. Love all the shmups on the Turbo, but Super Nintendo definitely has more games in other genres that I find more enjoyable. Always come back to stuff like Castlevania IV, Donkey Kong Country 2, Super Mario World, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 4 and 6, etc. So many classics on there. Back in the day my answer would have been Genesis for stuff like Toejam & Earl, Sonic, and all the great sports games. Not into too much of that stuff anymore.
  9. I've been very slowly replaying this for like a year. Still great, I just take forever nowadays because I hop around from game to game and no longer care about finishing anything.
  10. We have sub-forums for PS3 and PS4, which are basically dead. I know those are in a different category, but would rather have them eliminate those and give us PS1 and PS2 instead. Or just general hardware companies like Tanooki suggested.
  11. Gran Turismo 4. I love all the new original tracks and the huge selection of cars, but hate most of the real world tracks, the excessive tire wear that can't be switched off, and the ridiculous amount of license tests.
  12. Emulation has been working out great. Finally got around to making upgrades to my crappy Acer PC, so I can now do PS2 and DS. Those 2 always had issues before.
  13. We have a couple of Retro shops in my area. Seems to be hit or miss on whether they have anything cool in stock. Although I haven't been to any in the past few years since I switched to mostly emulation. Goodwills and yard sales are a total bust here because of the resellers swooping everything up. Best deal I ever found at Goodwill was Tony Hawk 2 on PS1 that also had the disc for Tony Hawk 3 inside.
  14. Don't have any credit cards, but even if I did, I would never use it for video games.
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