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Chopper Commander (4/9)



  1. Excellent. It is enough to do RUN "DSK1.URMAIN" to bypass the load screen. I transfered it to a .TIDISK using TI99Dir, and used Win99/4a Sim's disk manager to export it to tape. Loads and plays fine on non-expanded setup. ur.zip
  2. Fix it with 69 GOTO 62 before you run it. I made this in Magellan and tested it in classic99. I decided to RES 1,1 it before i shared it, but had no idea the goto would end up at some crazy line number when i did that. Sorry. Patched version: And, just in case you want to bring in 2019 in the same fashion, here is a program for next year:2019.txt
  3. Little something to run on your TI for the first day of 2018. Ti Basic FIAD in zip (forum would not let me attach a file with out a extension...) 2018.zip
  4. Automotion-sprites in basic, to me, do not seem to be of much use. However, as Morphy and my own parsec sprite demo with moveable user controlled sprites (Post #60) has shown, useful things can still be accomplished. I have a couple of ideas cooking for games using this. For now, i will experiment with simple games like tower of hanoi, tic tac toe, hangman, and rock paper scissors. Assuming they turn out decent, i will release them here on Atariage forum. Of coarse there is always real life to suck my TI time away from me, but that's just the way it is.
  5. I'm sorry to hear that. I have been so busy playing with this in classic99 that i have totally forgotten to test any of these on real TI's. Then again, i do not have a nanopeb, so it may be a specific problem to that particular configuration. Hopefully senior_falcon can offer some advice?
  6. Very interesting! Hope you can get somewhere with that idea! In the meantime though, i believe you wanted to see me use this new version, so "Let's a go!" You should know the drill by now. Load the first listing and run it, then load the second listing and run it. Setup program: 10 FOR I=1 TO 128 20 READ X 30 F$=F$&CHR$(X) 40 NEXT I 50 OPEN #1:F$ 100 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,227,0,131,150,216,32,131,82,131,212,200,32,131,84,131,196,16,40,0,0,0,0,0,0 110 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,55,215,158,128,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,33,111,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 120 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,136,32,131,36,131,190,22,11,16,1,0,0,215,224,1,40,215,224,0,0,216,32,0,144,131 130 DATA 122,4,224,131,196,4,91,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7,216,0,0,0,0,131,86,0,0,0,0 Main demo: 1 CALL CLEAR 2 CALL SCREEN(6) 3 FOR X = 68 TO 79 4 READ X$ 5 CALL CHAR(X,X$) 6 NEXT X 100 CALL COLOR(1,5,5) 110 CALL COLOR(2,5,5) 120 CALL COLOR(3,11,5) 130 CALL COLOR(4,1,16) 150 CALL COLOR(5,5,5) 160 CALL COLOR(6,5,5) 170 CALL COLOR(7,11,9) 180 CALL COLOR(8,1,9) 200 CALL COLOR(9,5,5) 210 CALL COLOR(10,5,5) 220 CALL COLOR(11,11,13) 230 CALL COLOR(12,1,2) 250 CALL COLOR(13,14,1) 270 CALL CHAR(144,"02000000F4") 280 CALL CHAR(145,"F5000000F6") 290 CALL CHAR(146,"FCF40000FCF4") 300 CALL CHAR(147,"FCF4") 310 CALL CHAR(152,"1122334455667788") 320 CALL CHAR(153,"99AABBCCDDEEFF10") 330 CALL CHAR(154,"1010101010101010") 340 CALL CHAR(155,"1010101010101010") 350 CALL SOUND(600,110,30) 360 CALL SOUND(10,110,30) 365 CALL CHAR(144,"0") 370 CALL CHAR(145,"0") 380 FOR X = 1 TO 143 390 READ R,C,CHAR 400 CALL HCHAR(R,C,CHAR) 410 NEXT X 420 GOTO 420 900 DATA 000F1F3F2B6B7F55 901 DATA 4141202A1F030000 902 DATA 00C0F09868ECDCFC 903 DATA FEFEFEFCF0C00000 904 DATA 000000000000002A 905 DATA 3E3E1F1500000000 906 DATA 0000000000000000 907 DATA 0000000000000000 908 DATA 0F10204054948080 909 DATA 80804040201C0300 910 DATA C030086494122202 911 DATA 010101020C30C000 912 DATA 9,14,200 913 DATA 9,15,200 914 DATA 9,16,200 915 DATA 9,17,200 916 DATA 9,18,200 917 DATA 10,13,200 918 DATA 10,14,200 919 DATA 10,15,200 920 DATA 10,16,200 921 DATA 10,17,200 922 DATA 10,18,200 923 DATA 10,19,200 924 DATA 10,20,200 925 DATA 10,21,200 926 DATA 11,13,232 927 DATA 11,14,232 928 DATA 11,15,232 929 DATA 11,16,240 930 DATA 11,17,240 931 DATA 11,18,160 932 DATA 11,19,240 933 DATA 12,12,232 934 DATA 12,13,240 935 DATA 12,14,232 936 DATA 12,15,240 937 DATA 12,16,240 938 DATA 12,17,240 939 DATA 12,18,160 940 DATA 12,19,240 941 DATA 12,20,240 942 DATA 12,21,240 943 DATA 13,12,232 944 DATA 13,13,240 945 DATA 13,14,232 946 DATA 13,15,232 947 DATA 13,16,240 948 DATA 13,17,240 949 DATA 13,18,240 950 DATA 13,19,160 951 DATA 13,20,240 952 DATA 13,21,240 953 DATA 13,22,240 954 DATA 14,13,232 955 DATA 14,14,240 956 DATA 14,15,240 957 DATA 14,16,240 958 DATA 14,17,240 959 DATA 14,18,160 960 DATA 14,19,160 961 DATA 14,20,160 962 DATA 14,21,160 963 DATA 15,14,240 964 DATA 15,15,240 965 DATA 15,16,240 966 DATA 15,17,240 967 DATA 15,18,240 968 DATA 15,19,240 969 DATA 16,13,200 970 DATA 16,14,200 971 DATA 16,15,184 972 DATA 16,16,200 973 DATA 16,17,200 974 DATA 16,18,184 975 DATA 16,19,200 976 DATA 16,20,200 977 DATA 17,12,200 978 DATA 17,13,200 979 DATA 17,14,200 980 DATA 17,15,184 981 DATA 17,16,200 982 DATA 17,17,200 983 DATA 17,18,184 984 DATA 17,19,200 985 DATA 17,20,200 986 DATA 17,21,200 987 DATA 18,11,200 988 DATA 18,12,200 989 DATA 18,13,200 990 DATA 18,14,200 991 DATA 18,15,184 992 DATA 18,16,184 993 DATA 18,17,184 994 DATA 18,18,184 995 DATA 18,19,200 996 DATA 18,20,200 997 DATA 18,21,200 998 DATA 18,22,200 999 DATA 19,11,240 1000 DATA 19,12,240 1001 DATA 19,13,200 1002 DATA 19,14,184 1003 DATA 19,15,240 1004 DATA 19,16,184 1005 DATA 19,17,184 1006 DATA 19,18,240 1007 DATA 19,19,184 1008 DATA 19,20,200 1009 DATA 19,21,240 1010 DATA 19,22,240 1011 DATA 20,11,240 1012 DATA 20,12,240 1013 DATA 20,13,240 1014 DATA 20,14,184 1015 DATA 20,15,184 1016 DATA 20,16,184 1017 DATA 20,17,184 1018 DATA 20,18,184 1019 DATA 20,19,184 1020 DATA 20,20,240 1021 DATA 20,21,240 1022 DATA 20,22,240 1023 DATA 21,11,240 1024 DATA 21,12,240 1025 DATA 21,13,184 1026 DATA 21,14,184 1027 DATA 21,15,184 1028 DATA 21,16,184 1029 DATA 21,17,184 1030 DATA 21,18,184 1031 DATA 21,19,184 1032 DATA 21,20,184 1033 DATA 21,21,240 1034 DATA 21,22,240 1035 DATA 22,13,184 1036 DATA 22,14,184 1037 DATA 22,15,184 1038 DATA 22,18,184 1039 DATA 22,19,184 1040 DATA 22,20,184 1041 DATA 23,12,232 1042 DATA 23,13,232 1043 DATA 23,14,232 1044 DATA 23,19,232 1045 DATA 23,20,232 1046 DATA 23,21,232 1047 DATA 24,11,232 1048 DATA 24,12,232 1049 DATA 24,13,232 1050 DATA 24,14,232 1051 DATA 24,19,232 1052 DATA 24,20,232 1053 DATA 24,21,232 1054 DATA 24,22,232
  7. Would it have killed TI to have included a brown in the color pallet? I would gladly swap one of the green shades for a real brown. Trees with yellow/red trunks just look... awkward.
  8. Senior_falcon, am i correct in thinking there is not a easy way to do the equivalent of XB's CALL COINC with this technique? If there is, i would love the details on it.
  9. This is a lot to wrap my head around. And i had just started to get the hang of the old-version you originally posted. This is very, very impressive, senior_falcon. I am not getting the negative hex numbers though. How is FC and F4 equal to -4 and -12? Hexadecimal FC = 252 decimal. Hexadecimal F4 = 244 decimal.
  10. I present a little program to display all 15 colors inside of a 8 pixel by 8 pixel character area. The CALL CHAR()'s in the program are displaying the 'period' character [CHR$(46)] at just the right places to form a 8x8 grid of colored dots. Strobe effect used to fill in the last spot since one of the colors on the ti is not really a 'color' (transparent). First run this: 10 FOR I=1 TO 128 20 READ X 30 F$=F$&CHR$(X) 40 NEXT I 50 OPEN #1:F$ 100 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6,248 110 DATA 55,215,158,200,0,255,0,0,0,0,0,159,34,0,0,0,33,111,0,0,0,0,0,0 120 DATA 32,0,33,224,42,93,3,179,216,32,131,186,131,212,215,224,131,189,215,224,131,188 130 DATA 215,224,131,191,215,224,131,190,4,224,131,196,216,32,131,187,140,0,4,91,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 140 DATA 224,208,133,15,71,128,53,103,0,0,131,144,0,0,33,111 Then run this: 10 CALL CLEAR 20 CALL CHAR(144,"53778E0153798E02") 30 CALL CHAR(145,"537B8E03537D8E04") 40 CALL CHAR(146,"55778E0555798E06") 50 CALL CHAR(147,"557B8E07557D8E08") 60 CALL CHAR(148,"57778E0957798E0A") 70 CALL CHAR(149,"577B8E0B577D8E0C") 80 CALL CHAR(150,"59778E0D59798E0E") 90 CALL CHAR(151,"597B8E0FD0") 100 FOR X=1 TO 16 110 CALL SCREEN(X) 120 NEXT X 130 GOTO 100
  11. I was wondering if anyone had all the programs from SAMS "TI-99/4A: 24 BASIC Programs" saved on a .dsk and would mind sharing it? I have a pdf, but i really don't feel like retyping all of them to try them out. Thanks Lee!
  12. I do not remember which user on here originally made this, but it is a scrolling demo of a figure walking against a brick wall. Just for the fun of it, i have converted it to run in TI Basic with a sprite. Just a bit slower then the XB original. (Sorry, i really have no idea who the original poster was. It was found in some thread where people were showing off little odds and ends they had come up with.) walking sprite in basic.txt
  13. You mean the two separate programs? I believe the first program contains, essentially, embedded assembly code. I don't pretend to understand it myself, but apparently this assembly code manages to reset the basic interpreter after running? That is what it seems to me to be doing. After running the first program you are be back at a Ti Basic Ready prompt. No basic program left in memory after the assembly code ran, but it managed to modify some VDP registers. Senior_falcon could explain this better i think.
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