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  1. It took an eternity but I finally added the missing games to our database: https://www.atarimania.com/list_games_atari-400-800-xl-xe-general-masters-corporation_publisher_5213_8_G.html I found it a fascinating coincidence that the three programs on the first side of the disk were completely unknown, as were Vectors and Maze Tag on the back. Now I know that "new" Aim Software / ALA Software / K-Tek Software titles pop up from time to time but, for some reason, I think these could well be prototypes that never got published. Unless someone has an original for one of these games?
  2. Thanks to @TheTime, Tandy Trower's Character Set Editor published by APX is finally available after all these years: https://www.atarimania.com/utility-atari-400-800-xl-xe-character-set-editor_30042.html
  3. Huge thanks fly to @TheTime for dumping one of the very last missing APX titles: https://www.atarimania.com/utility-atari-400-800-xl-xe-character-set-editor_30042.html For some reason, this program by Tandy Trower was very quickly dropped from the APX catalog after its publication in 1981, hence its rarity.
  4. One should add Atari 5200 carts absolutely never ever rattle. If that's not a clear sign of how superior Big Sexy is, I don't know what is!
  5. Even if you were completely drunk and high on cocaine, you'd find Kim Jong Un's propaganda way more believable than what the Atari 5200 "ambassadors" are trying to convey.
  6. Pretty apparent the machine was developed by people who knew the basics of the 8-bit line but not enough to avoid the small misfires. Gotta question the quality control on both sides. Was it because there wasn't enough time to fine-tune the system? It's good news the MULE situation was sorted out but found the apology a bit embarrassing. They overdid it and pretty much admitted they had no idea what was going on in the Atari 8-bit world. That's plain bad communication. The fact the faulty game was replaced with another cracked file is telling and isn't a great message to current users in the know. I would've dropped 5200 support, the games are exactly the same as the computer titles and it unnecessarily complicates everything. For titles on your USB card, it would've been less confusing to just have standard max memory XL/XE compatibility and issue a bypassable warning message suggesting what to switch if a game doesn't work: - XL/XE or 400/800 - NTSC or PAL - BASIC disabled or enabled
  7. Holy crap... If you believed nothing could top Ray's antics, think again...
  8. Don't worry, no offense taken. We understand we're exposed to criticism.
  9. Well, guess any publicity is good publicity... In our defense, our page clearly states we're missing the original disk image (yes, I know it's available as an .atx now, it just hasn't been added to our site yet). If you're going to pay a license and charge something, at least be 100% professional and either: - play the title thoroughly to check everything works fine - get the preserved disk which is also available, although from another source - if you don't know where to look, discreetly ask archivists how to get a fully functional version None of this was done, which is a bit sad.
  10. Wow... If that's really the case and withouth blowing things out of proportion, this is inexcusable. I mean, you pay the license for an iconic game and you just pick an unverified image without playing it through? There are only 25 titles, not 50. Also, is the team aware of the .atx format and the preservation efforts of some people? Feels so amateurish... This may be the reason Flip and Flop is the cart version and not the superior disk release. Could somebody check whether Boulder Dash has that prolonged "ping" sound at the very beginning of the game? I heard this in one of the reviews and this would mean it's a cracked file as well.
  11. Is this just bad emulation or the result of choosing a dodgy file for the system? If it's the latter, that's clearly unacceptable. The fact .atx files don't show up makes me fear the worst.
  12. Yeah, I wonder who would honestly care about the so-called exclusive games. Either 8-bit users got them back in the day or they were converted recently. They were programmed on the computer line anyway... The Mean Hamster titles are barely type-in quality and, although I feel like prostituting myself for saying this, Video 61's Tempest Xtreem massacres the console version in all possible ways. Tempest on the 5200 may have fine playability but is plain horrible to look at so no thank you... That may be sad but the 5200 is just a bastard child, always was, still is. The only reason third-party publishers supported it is because it was dead easy to convert games from the computers. As long as some 5200 "ambassadors" promote it for what it isn't, it will be laughed at by the mainstream public.
  13. It would be interesting to know which versions of the games were chosen. For example, Flip and Flop appears to be the cart edition whereas the disk release has a different font and looks a bit better. Also, I watched a few videos of reviewers playing Boulder Dash and there's a horrible prolonged "ping" sound at the very beginning of the game. Is this the result of bad sound emulation or because of a dodgy file?
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