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  1. re http://ftp.whtech.com/Users/stephen/ That is splendid, many thanks. Finding something just right is proving quite hard and the clock is ticking. Dear Ciro has very kindly offered a subdomain for my content , which is another possibility. Right now github seems a possible repository. I'll post here when things are properly settled, but the wht content can remain forever if that's ok. It has the advantage of being searchable and I can update the content as required. Many many thanks, that allows me time to do things properly. Best wishes Stephen
  2. Hello. This is to advise the community that my web host is withdrawing their service from the end of October 2023. If there is anything on my website you need to stash, now is the time to do it. I am entirely happy for anyone to copy any content to their own web site that they may wish. If there is anyone on here who can post to the data/media side of archive.org, please do feel free to parcel up my web site and add it to archive.org in any way they see fit - the archive.org requirements for adding content are above my head. Suitable "collections" to add to would seem to be: Texas Instruments TI 99/4a Books Vintage BASIC Games: TI-99/4A Folkscanomy Computer: Books on Computers and Programming Computer Magazines I will make every effort to ensure that all the pages and content of my website are backed up on web.archive.org by mid October- alas the web archive is not searchable- to see the archived pages just add "https://web.archive.org/web/202309/" before the original URL, that is instead of: http://shawweb.myzen.co.uk/stephen/TI.htm you would need to type in : https://web.archive.org/web/202309/http://shawweb.myzen.co.uk/stephen/TI.htm. If you have any bookmarks to any part of my site please adjust the URL to now include the web.archive.org prefix as above. Make sure the date in the url you type is 2309 to ensure you see the latest version. The page returned will indicate in its url the date the page was actually grabbed. The main parts of the website are: http://shawweb.myzen.co.uk/stephen/TI.htm - the main TI entrance page. http://shawweb.myzen.co.uk/stephen/stainless1.htm - a big section listing the programs offered by Stainless with screengrabs and the magazine reviews. http://shawweb.myzen.co.uk/stephen/articles.htm - lots of articles and extra sources. Scans of the user group magazines are already to be found on the wht website. http://shawweb.myzen.co.uk/stephen/book.htm- the book what I wrote. (safely on pixelpedant but without the correcton sheet) http://shawweb.myzen.co.uk/stephen/pc99dsk.htm - disks for pc99 and v9t9 emulators (the UK disk library is safely stashed in wht already) Feel free to explore the rest of the website- there is a wide range of unique material including radio history, music, and some real oddities. Note: I cannot read nor reply to DMs via this forum- my computers and browsers are too old and as a pensioner I really can't be replacing everything every year. Any web host that does not support FTP is out of my league. with best wishes Blackbox
  3. The file to download is: TIBASIC_to_SSS_MEGA_Pack_V1.0.2_Addendum_by_TMOP.zip s
  4. 99Vaders bin can be found in the basic-bin none-compiled pack See the post dated 14th August 2022 in the thread https://forums.atariage.com/topic/311250-ti-basicti-extended-basic-games-that-are-worth-to-be-compiled/page/32/ It cannot be compiled but has been converted - enjoy. s
  5. Thank you Ernie- your hard work so early on has certainly saved a lot of TI software. It is a pity that so many user groups rushed to process their entire collections rapidly with slightly incompatible software. I have looked at thousands of disk images, many corrupted- and it seems that the original TI 5.25 inch disks have lasted far longer than their replacements; that many TI disks suffered an element of damage by being processed through Myarc disk controllers, more damage if a Geneve was involved, more damage if the original TI disk had fractured files (typically a fairly full disk but the disk history was also an element), and extensive damage if the now fragile TI Disk had then been edited in any way eg by adding a LOAD program or extra docs. The transferred dsk images remain fragile if the original TI disk bit map was adrift- the safest way to treat the dsk images is to create a new blank TI disk image and copy the files over, creating a new bitmap. So two items remain: Does anyone have access to or know of a TI Disk Collection not on the main repositories yet? and - Has anyone been able to run with an FG99 and standard console, the Tunnels of Doom snapshot .BIN files which have the data preloaded (No-one has asked- but I do intend to add the Milwaukee disks to WHT in due course- after the TIUGUK disks have been thoroughly checked out and recreated if lost, if possible.. In the absence of a catalog I will look to create a detailed listing of the Milwaukee disks to make them more accessible.) Happy new year all..... s
  6. Thanks for that - I am in touch with Mike and just sent him the Milwaukee disks, which he didn't have til now. It made me wonder if there were other disk collections out there keeping a low profile... we need a concerted effort to get these before they totally disappear. I will be putting the TIUGUK library onto WHT when (if?) I get it into a reasonable state (target 80%, target date is March 2023, but there is much hard work to be done....) and then adding the appropriate WHT page onto web.archive as well as links on my own website. Intention is to keep the information out there for the long term. All the best S
  7. Thanks for those TMOP. I split the C&D files to maintain compatibility with some much older software. Sadly your bin files also do not function with fg99 - I take a little comfort from that - but there is still the sad fact that the environment that would most benefit from this treatment is proving itself unhelpful. Anyone else try these with fg99 and get them to work? It is either timing or we need to trim something somewhere somehow.... Tunnels does take some strange paths- for example the data file includes a PAB which overwrites the normal pab- very odd. all the best for the New Year s
  8. It seems I can no longer attach anything and this new sparkly host doesn't seem to like links either- last try- downloads from my webspace at " h t t p : // " shawweb.myzen.co.uk/stephen/ti/todassaultthecity.zip and * h t t p : // * shawweb.myzen.co.uk/stephen/ti/todcomputernightmare.zip ......stephen
  9. A couple of zips attached with BIN files for snapshots of Tunnels of Doom - Assault the City and Computer Nightmare. - no need to load the tape data. These load and run fine on a PC using MESS but the intention was to use "preloaded" adventures with Final Grom. On my console these crash on FinalGrom at a fairly early stage- my guess is a speed issue with the 40k Grom file. Do these work with your consoles? If no- any hints on what would need fixing? I have quite a set of these but have come to a bit of a stop. Garfield adventure seems to have a problem generally- possibly my dump is a bad one. While here- I am reconstructing the TI User Group disk library to put up on wht, and would welcome any web addresses you have for collections of disk images, especially the more recent disks- I have wht, archive org, and the Cyc already and have just added Milwaukee. And still disks missing... Comments welcome. All the best for the season and the coming year- Stephen
  10. Hi there- yes please, Martin of Intrigue is still looking to contact Simon- they were schoolboy programmers together. Martin is at tudodesk.com. Stephen
  11. And on the topic of disappearing web assets- if you know a website is about to disappear eg due to excessive domain costs, it can be safely placed into archive.org. However- it cannot be saved after it has gone. If you have a TI website that is about to go, and have a week or two's notice, make a big noise about it on this forum and with any luck it will be saved for you. If there are any assets to be placed on WHT please advertise them here. Perhaps we need a couple of threads: "Please save to wht" and "Please archive" ? There are several methods to save a website to archive.org, the best is to have a log in but it is not required. Or post on this forum. But you must act before the website disappears. It does not have to be a web page that is disappearing- if a page is amended it can also be resaved to archive.,org - they have internal limits on how often you can do this, but seem to accept every couple of months without a qualm. ss
  12. Version 8.3e has now been added to wht http://ftp.whtech.com/pc%20utilities/TiDir/ and the wht page has again been saved to archive.org: Archive org current url for the page is: http://web.archive.org/web/20221018085443/https://ftp.whtech.com/pc%20utilities/TiDir/ and the zip can be downloaded from there. 8.3e is quite a bit bigger than 8.3b- up from 617k to 917k. Quite a bit bigger than dear old 41b at 50k! How these youngsters grow when you take your eyes off them.... :-) ss
  13. The wht page has now been archived to archive.org INCLUDING the zip files- see http://web.archive.org/web/20221017202848/https://ftp.whtech.com/pc utilities/TiDir/ ss
  14. Thanks, the latest versions have been added to whtech (pc utilities/TiDir) ss
  15. Version 6.4a is available at: http://web.archive.org/web/20190829051936/http://www.ti99-geek.nl/Projects/ti99dir/ti99dir.html I would recommend that any such TI asset pages are saved to archive.org (using the save now option etc) whenever there is an update. Also useful if when an update is advised here that someone saves a copy of any zip or dsk file to wht - I can now post to wht even if I can't post attachments on this site! ss
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