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About peterfleeman

  • Birthday 12/11/1980

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  1. Over the years I’ve seen more of the sidecar than the PC itself.
  2. Triton TurboXT PC https://www.ebay.com/itm/186389792233?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=mYMBDKnvRru&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=tTs2iVeCRgq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  3. Eyyyy. Happy to hear it stayed in the family. I should have known it was you!
  4. Unfortunately I didn’t win the X10 set. I should have shelled out the $400!
  5. Ok, real talk. We all know we want this thing. And we know $1600 is WAYYYY too much. But what a scary internal process it is, at least for me, to figure out how ridiculous my number might be.
  6. I went through this exact thought process! Also concluded it's a waste of time. But somehow still tempting. Who but ourselves could rescue it and bring it back to life? (I bet the ribbon went to the RS232 card one way or another, and it was just quickly snipped off for storage long ago)
  7. My grandma has a box of AOL CD's because she likes to cut them into star shapes and hang them from trees in her yard.
  8. For what it’s worth, I intend to bid on this lot, and i would be happy to make any scans of issues that are needed, or images of any of the floppies. Even if I win this lot, I will STILL be missing a few issues, if I am judging correctly from the pictures. Afterwards I will turn around and re-list my duplicates, which will probably be over 100 issues. Incidentally, I still ship floppies as media rate and haven’t had an issue. The only check seems to be by the clerk at the post office, and nobody at my branch has questioned it. Computer media is still acceptable as long as the content is not advertising. I think they are just trying to prevent AOL floppies from going out cheap.
  9. I bought 2 of them a couple years ago and they are excellent quality. Honestly, for the price, I am shocked at how durable and well made they are. Thank you!
  10. That YouTube channel caught me because they look at odd Tandy's that rarely get attention. I don't really know why I keep watching because they bumble around and really don't know very much about the computers. I don't know how many times the guy has said "I don't have any experience with a computer like this." On the other hand it's hard to poopoo anybody trying to show off their collection. And I appreciate the candor with his opinions. HOWEVER, the hate for the TI was very unfair.
  11. I just learned about this Dutch computer that almost became part of the history of the TI 99/4A. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DAI_Personal_Computer http://www.progettoemma.net/mess/system.php?machine=dai
  12. You're lucky i'm about to have a baby boy or the price might have reached even higher!
  13. I've already got one, but I missed this one so I otherwise would have been very grateful to you for pointing it out. Thanks!
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