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Jim Pez

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  1. I recently purchased a flashback console and a 9 pin to USB adapter from https://www.retrousb.com/index.php?cPath=21 I want to use the adapter to connect the intellivision controllers to my computer and play games on emulation. First did I purchase the right adapter? Second what is the best gui to use ? I would appreciate any other advice you could give.
  2. Would this controller work on pc emulation with a USB adapter ?
  3. Can I still buy a physical copy ?
  4. my first computer was a xerox 820 ii. the games i play on it was a text game Adventure and a game called bouncing barney.
  5. This looks like a great remake. Maybe next they can remake Alex kid in high tech world.
  6. Has there ever been a good 3d beat-em up?
  7. When the retron77 came out there were a bunch of controllers that didn't work with it. Since they have updated the software will these controllers work now ? Like the track ball or the keyboard controller.
  8. I never knew there was a Dos version. It looks pretty cool.
  9. I would say Basic computer games. It was my first introduction to programming.
  10. Armor battle Astrosmash AD&D Space battle Auto racing Major League Baseball lock n chase Night stalker I know this is not a gatefold box but I love the box art on Worm Whomper
  11. There were so many great games but I would choose Oregon trail or Sim City.
  12. I use Retroprotection and I have been very happy with them.
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