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  1. Finally managed to build the improved version of Hugohunt (remember?). It's an 8k F8 game now, as Thomas Jentzsch suggested, so it may contain up to 14 mazes. Stefan - the originator himself - has created many of the new levels, for example: I'm still doing a bit of testing on the final version, but I've added a PAL and a NTSC Demo version; both contain 4 mazes. The F8 game has been tested on a 2600 junior PAL with a soldered F8-cartridge using this schematics and it works fine. Any volunteers to test the NTSC version (some had promised to...)? hugohunt4stella8kDemo.bin hugohunt4stellaDemo8k_ntsc.bin
  2. I read that there are several different techniques (Atari had one, Activision used it's own one,..). Do you have a favourite one?
  3. Kiwi is right, there's a ghost showing up in the higher levels (and when selecting advanced difficulty) and it's displayed in the Hugo frame. In higher levels the ghost shows up more often and with increasing speed (otherwise the game would be too easy... :-). As for this varibility, I haven't thought about a 8k Version. Stefans original Version has 9 levels and that one is difficult enough. Haven't yet experimented with bank switching, either...
  4. Didn't find a way to get enough time to re-position 2 players, change their colors and fill a non-mirrored playfield. A non-mirrored pf must be refreshed every line so I got problems to re-position the missiles/ball for the energy pills some lines later. I reckon there would have to be more blank lines for a non-mirrored pf. I decided thas this would disturb the optics too much.
  5. Hi! Thanks for your replies. I've never played 'Dudes with Attitudes' before. I reckon hugohunt is different. I'll ask Stefan if he was inspired by this when creating hugohunt. A NTSC version will probably take some time... Hope you can aid in testing :-)
  6. Hi! Just announcing a new 2600 homebrew game: Hugohunt It's a port of Hugohunt XL written by Stefan Dorndorf (see "Hugojagd XL" here). I've been porting it to C16/Plus4 (see at plus4world) and to C64 (csdb.dk) lately. You'll find a short game review here and a description of the objects hugo will encounter. As for stella, I couldn't manage to use a non-mirrored playfield, so I had to create new levels. Attached you'll find the binary of al PAL game version having 2 new levels. Or try it online here. Some more levels (up to 7 for a 4KB ROM) will follow. Any comments will be appreciated. Would AtariAge host such homebrews for download? hugohunt4stellaDemo.bin
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