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BigBen last won the day on May 21 2018

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About BigBen

  • Birthday 06/27/1959

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    Garbsen, Germany

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  1. Here is a picture of the Happy 810 board.
  2. Hi Nir, the board is not a Happy 810 but, as far as I can remember from the name, a data comparator. In the first 810s, the board was missing, which meant that written data was lost. When I complained, Atari Service upgraded this board free of charge.
  3. Hi, I have a problem with the keyboard code. Which key or key combination do I have to press to get the Atari (inverse) key? I could not find the hint in the manual. BigBen....
  4. Really great! Already 47 people have registered for the event. I think we will still come over 50. I am looking forward to seeing you again, BigBen
  5. I need the 200 GB SD card for the movies for the AVGCart. With smaller SD cards, you can quickly become a disc jockey with the question of which card was the film on? The SD was only € 20 ($ 23.5) and I can now use it with other Atari peripherals.
  6. Here is the result ... FSCTL_ALLOW_EXTENDED_DASD_IO OK GuiFormat version 1.02 x86 Windows version 0602 64 bit Size : 196GB 384471040 sectors 512 Bytes Per Sector, Cluster size 32768 bytes Volume ID is 1df5:2260 32 Reserved Sectors, 46922 Sectors per FAT, 2 fats 6005893 Total clusters 6005892 Free Clusters Formatting drive F:\:... Clearing out 93940 sectors for Reserved sectors, fats and root cluster... Wrote 48097280 bytes in 2.64 seconds, 17.36 Megabytes/sec Initialising reserved sectors and FATs... Done
  7. Unfortunately, I cannot provide any information on this. I just don't have a program for it under Windows. Do you have any ideas?
  8. A 200 GByte SD card formatted with FAT32 also works in the FujiNet adapter. I use the card with many movies in the AVGCard. ATR and XEX files can be loaded without any problems. Unfortunately, Windows only formats SD cards over 32 Gbytes in extFat. I formatted the SD with a Macbook.
  9. Atari was founded exactly 49 years ago today. Happy Birthday Atari ....
  10. Small update... SynAssembler SynAssembler_Synapse_Software_1982.zip
  11. Here is a picture of the PCB backside. I bought the Supersalt from Curt Vendel. I had already suspected that it was a prototype. For comparison, tfhh (jürgen) has posted his pictures of his Supersalt FC 100334 in the Abbuc forum. The circuit diagram comes from the Supersalt manual that I found on the Internet. The error display also makes sense. If the Atari no longer outputs an image, the error code in the display can help.
  12. Hello everybody, I'm looking for the circuit diagram for the Supersalt Display BD TE-200070. It is part of the CPS Super Salt Diagnostic Test Assy (FA100332). Do you have this display? if there is no circuit diagram, photos could help. The circuit board of the Error Display Interface is connected via the contact pins J9.
  13. Thank you DjayBee for the translation. I used the 74LS07 in the Sdrive Max 3 years ago. The SIO interface was blocked. The 74LS07 ensures a clean bus termination. I checked the level adjustment with the oscilloscope. Here is the link with the pictures . https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=http://www.abbuc.de/community/forum/viewtopic.php?f%3D15%26t%3D9451%26start%3D100
  14. Here are some pictures of a 1088XEL with a different housing. Both joystick ports are on the front, a SIO2SD with a small display is integrated. The cartridge port of the 800XL has the plastic base and is finished with a 3D printout at the top. Internally installed Sophia1, midi interface from HardwareDoc (Christoph) with DreamBlaster S2. I love the Atari jingle, but if you hear the notes every time you restart, you will eventually get annoyed by it. Hi Montezuma https://www.amazon.de/Chieftec-IX-01B-OP-Compact-Mini-Tower-PC-Gehäuse/dp/B00B5QY4SW/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia-wc-drs1_0?cv_ct_cx=Chieftec+IX-01B-OP&dchild=1&keywords=Chieftec+IX-01B-OP&pd_rd_i=B00B5QY4SW&pd_rd_r=4fac01b8-cd77-475e-b0dd-8b16af6268af&pd_rd_w=HYq4R&pd_rd_wg=QSLED&pf_rd_p=10e68c58-2c30-45f0-9479-867ac48fc4e5&pf_rd_r=FYM2VESP9276RT7YNDAG&psc=1&qid=1608325593&sr=1-1-69f2aa40-4718-4485-ba0d-6c4119696677
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