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  1. Yes, you can be fooled. It also makes it harder to convince anyone that it's harder to do a VIC20 version than a C64 version for this reason. It's by design and this is how the original works as well. All dangers in the same vertical section as the hero will disappear when he dies to avoid the possibility of death on respawn. A typical scenario could be that the hero drowns in water and respawns where there's an enemy.
  2. I just want to let you know I released an update that only modifies the colors used on NTSC.
  3. Thanks! I played it mostly on the C64 as well. A very good game, even if it's hard.
  4. Thanks! Yes, the microlaser can remove walls on the Atari 2600 version as well. I didn't know it either when I started this conversion. It looks a bit different. Half of the wall is removed horizontally as the first step and then it disappears. It's not used very often but can be handy sometimes. I found a bug regarding that in the 2600 version. If you stop shooting and start again it may be ineffective so you can end up shooting forever without anything happening. If you stop and start again it may start taking damage again.
  5. Yes, it is. If the screen size is reduced a bit all characters fit on the screen and will effectively become a bitmap.
  6. A new VIC20 port of the classic Atari 2600 game H.E.R.O. was released yesterday. https://kollektivet.nu/hero/
  7. The game can now run off a cartridge! The hardware design is based on Magic Desk and is open source. Go build your own! Links to cartridge image, hardware design and printable label can be found here: https://kollektivet.nu/v42/
  8. It’s a bit unclear how far you get. Is carlsson correct in that the game starts but you are unable to progress past an initial screen waiting for joystick input? VICE has swap joystick ports mapped to alt+J on Linux. I’m guessing something similar on the Mac.
  9. I didn’t own a Spectrum but the Paradroid clone Quazatron was done in isomeric 3D and looked interesting to me. I remembered the Star Wars port being much better than the C64 equivalent so I’d recommend having a look at that.
  10. I’m note sure I understand the problem here. As carlsson says, the kernal shouldn’t need to be used when running a game like this without any disk loading. Kernal interrupts should be turned off. Atari 2600 har RAM from $80-$ff I think, so 2-$7f should be available for other uses during emulation.
  11. It’s hard but very short so if you want some arcade action that’s possible to complete within a couple of minutes, it’s a good pick.
  12. Well done! I completed Snokie on the Commodore 64 on the high speed difficulty level.
  13. The question is what the test is really testing. Since the machine can’t hear the SID it can only look at the input it has - paddles and the waveform/envelope output registers. So either paddles aren’t working or reading the waveform output isn’t working properly. Try paddles on it or a program that auto detects the SID type. Either of those might be failing.
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