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  1. The Tim account is just a spam bot, I've seen comments on my videos and other accounts too.
  2. "I suggest looking at the @leefogarty account for a start" Are Hitler and Stalin working together or is one just sticking his dick in the other's bucket? Oh and I wasn't asking you Stalin, so don't bother replying.
  3. Yes, I remember you telling me that at the same event (Play Manchester - GMEX) and you left before I did around 4pm/5pm. [edit]: I also recall we were talking to Tim from the Indie dev group after you told me that. I just checked with my OH and she confirmed (my memory is a little hazy at times but I do remember the above). So the below is fucking bollocks
  4. It works now! https://twitter.com/namco_/status/1111994920024313856 I removed the equ and put the Line_test in RAM space! Thanks.
  5. I either provide too much code or too little! XD Anyway, here's the full listing: Intensity_1F equ $f29d Intensity_3F equ $f2a1 Intensity_5F equ $f2a5 Moveto_d equ $f312 VIA_t1_cnt_lo equ $d004 Draw_line_d equ $f3df Wait_recal equ $f192 music1 equ $fd0d Vec_Misc_Count equ $c823 Delay_3 equ $f56d Delay_b equ $f57a Line_test equ 2 org 0 ; intro information start db "g GCE 2019",$80 ; g is a copyright sign ; above MUST start with "g CGE" otherwise it'll just run Minestorm ; $80 is a string terminator and lower case is for special characters. ; Uppercase only. dw music1 ; Pointer to a music structure db $f2,$30,$20,-$15 ; height, width, rel y, rel x (from 0,0) of following string db "OAOA",$80 ; string format set by above line db 0 ; game header finish ; intro information end main: jsr Wait_recal ; Vectrex BIOS recalibration ;lda #$80 ;sta VIA_t1_cnt_lo ; Both needed before drawing ; must set relative position from Wait_recal as cannot use that straight off lda #00 ; set y position ldb #00 ; set x position jsr Moveto_d ; move beam to relative position (from this point it's set at 0,0 due to Wait_recal) jsr Intensity_3F ; set beam intensity to 3F lda #00 ldb Line_test incb stb Line_test jsr Draw_line_d ldb #00 ;delay: ; incb ; cmpb #255 ; bne delay bra main end main
  6. I'm trying to program a moving line effect that I seem to have gotten working thanks to Vide but opening it in Para JVE just draws the line as is rather than in the below example: Vide: https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/D2uyeyeW0AAMpq4.mp4 Code used + Para JVE screenshot: https://t.co/BQoHme98Uc Would the code I wrote work on a Vectrex like Vide or like Para JVE? [Edit]: I've also noticed that the moving line code I wrote reaches the end of the screen just after the intro bit ends i.e. instead of intro then moving line goes from 2 to the end of the screen, the moving line is already near the end of the screen after the intro. So how would I delay the moving line code from running until after the intro sequence ends? Thanks.
  7. Version 1.2 finally released with the above added, music added and an annoying bug that crippled the game on start fixed! Currently (as of writing this at 2:27 GMT) my host is being shit so you may have to wait to download it.
  8. Version 1.2 of ET Remake on the way Added: - version number added to the window title - added instructions screens - added hole drop sound - added reese's pieces pickup sound Currently working on the music and I've just installed a VM with Slackware and compiled the program and it's running great. So I'm now looking at possibly setting up a MacOS VM.
  9. No, this is not a joke. I've been developing this on and off for the past 8 years and I finally released it last month. I decided to do it because I was doing a remakes competition and I wanted to do something other than the obvious. Unfortunately I never finished it in time for the competition but I carried on with the game anyway. There is still some work to add in (like more sound fx, and music etc) which will be added as I'm in post-release bug fixing mode and those bugs that I intend to fix are listed on the website and in the readme file. I've already updated the game to version 1.1 a few days ago. For the most part the main aim of the game has not been changed, as there was nothing wrong with it, but you will see that there are no visible holes. They are there you just need to find them, with the help of the indicator at the bottom left of the screen. If it shows fauna, then no hole. Otherwise there'll be a hole with a question mark (not visited) or a hole with a cross (visited). Download
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