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Heaven/TQA last won the day on May 13 2018

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    Baden-Württemberg, Germany

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  1. ok.... I missed that one... for me not logical that it is not at top of that section
  2. Ok. Don't get it what to do now 🤣want to use them. 1. The default is still the creation of the atasm-build.json file. This will build the specified file with all the command line options applied. 2. You can turn off the forced config file creation and use various other options. The sequence of finding the file to assemble is now: - Look at the Default Asm File to Assemble setting. If set then this is the file that will be assembled. - If that is not set then the current editor tab is checked if its an assembler file. If it is then that is assembled. You can turn that off with the 'Assemble Current Asm File' option - If you don't have a default and the current editor is not an assembler file or that option it turned off then the alphabetical first assembler file or the last modified one are assembled. The order is set by the Find First File By option.
  3. Will have a look but I did not edit any Json file just the inputs on the config extension page. when I click on the config icon below the file window it opens that json file i showed above with the "theapp.asm" and this is shown when entering the config via extension marketplace? { "terminal.explorerKind": "external", "z80-macroasm.files.include": "**/*.{a80,inc,s}", "workbench.startupEditor": "none", "launch": { "configurations": [ ] }, "atomKeymap.promptV3Features": true, "window.zoomLevel": 2, "editor.multiCursorModifier": "alt", "atasm-altirra-bridge.application.configuration.latestVersion": "1.9.1", "atasm-altirra-bridge.assembler.madsPath": "C:\\coding\\Mad-Assembler-2.1.5\\mads.exe", "atasm-altirra-bridge.assembler.whichAssembler": "Mads", "atasm-altirra-bridge.emulator.altirra.path": "C:\\Emulation\\Altirra64.exe", "atasm-altirra-bridge.emulator.altirra.singleInstance": true, "atasm-altirra-bridge.application.configuration.findFirstFileBy": "Last Modified"
  4. ok. wanted to setup the extension. most of the time last years i used VScode just to manage my sources and edit but not for compiling etc. which I did in console window or via batch files. now I configured the extension so far I run into following issues (might be that I dont get the VSCode basics ;)) but maybe someone can point me to the direction. so I am on Win11 btw. Altirra is setup in the config file. I opened a folder (does it not work on file basis because normally i have several files open from different source folders). ok. Extension seems show up in the bottom when I create a new file it works for that by pressing "compile and run" and altirra opens with the file in the debugger. ok... now I open another old source... and no way... it always assembles theapp.asm (which was my test file)... what I am doing wrong here?
  5. I might be too dumb... Can someone explain me how to configure the extension Atasm Altirra Bridge?
  6. https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=92554
  7. what is the "weird" sound? The "SID"-like voice? out of the box in RMT
  8. Triace never messed with RMT features and "abused" it
  9. Thanks. Wasn't aware that LFT did that.
  10. The thing is that the Sid file should be using not many fancy SID features and located best in 1000-1fff memory. Not sure if Martin used that area.
  11. just playing around with the SID routines another nice "out of the box" played C64 SID tune...
  12. So how to config that and where to get newer versions? And firmware is compatible?
  13. I got Thrust as Budget game on tape but.those phat sprites... An highres port would be great... ,,,😉... Ok that was off topic.
  14. nah. it seems exomizer. @CharlieChaplin what packer did you use? because your file works. ah got your PS while I was posting. let me try the same. well.... it seems my settings in Superpacker using Exomizer. still not found the right settings even mimic the settings of Charlie.
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