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About the_wizard_666

  • Birthday 09/21/1982

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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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  1. I'll keep the better condition one and throw the other in my trade box then. Thanks for the confirmation! And yeah, it seems the only thing they were consistent at was inconsistency ?
  2. Hey all! I was recently going through my boxes of stuff to inventory my collection after moving, and came across a slight oddity in an unprocessed lot. As someone that doesn't collect variants (outside of major stuff like publisher changes or label redesigns), I'm not really sure what to think about this Vanguard cart I found. The one in my proper collection is on the left, the standard 1982 release. The one on the right has the 1987 copyright. I know that's a real variation, so that doesn't bother me. What does...well, I'll post the pictures... There are a few concerns - the image sizing and positioning, the Atari 2600 logo, and the end label. The end label is the biggest concern to me, as it lacks a date stamp and, although it doesn't show well in the image, the edges of the lettering bleeds like I sometimes get on my home printer. Additionally, it's got a weird bold effect that isn't on the known real copy, and the corners seem almost too round. While I have no doubts that the cart itself is legitimate (why would anyone bother making a fake Vanguard?), I am definitely concerned about the labels. While it would be in better condition than the one on the left, I'm a stickler for authenticity, and would rather have a known real label than a reproduction label any day of the week. That all said, I also know the 2600 has a LOT of weirdness going on, so while my gut says repro, I don't know enough to know for sure. So, can y'all help me here?
  3. Yeah, local would obviously be ideal, but if the price is right for the bundle I'm okay with the cost of shipping. It's just hard to sell a console without games to include, and I have like 20 consoles to make bundles from.
  4. Hey everyone! I have a bunch of consoles and controllers that need testing, repairing, bundling, and selling, but I unfortunately had a derp moment and my spare carts didn't make the trip with me when I moved provinces. As the local marketplace is dry (unless I wanna pay $30 for a loose Pac-Man or something), and my searches of various forums have drawn blanks, I decided to make a post to see if anyone had some of the crap commons they can't give away Among the pile is a number of Star Raiders touchpads and paddle controllers that I don't need, so the appropriate games to test and sell those would be appreciated. Larger lots preferred, but not so large that I have to pass due to budget constraints. I can also offer up some old school TMNT figures or NES repros for trade if anyone is interested. Thanks guys!
  5. That sounds more probable in my opinion. I did notice the bilingual text and figured it was a Canada-specific thing, and being a later variant (or possibly a very early one) makes the relative rarity make a bunch more sense. Basically, since I'd never seen them before, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't passing on a potential centrepiece item. My expertise is with the NES...while I'm pretty well versed with most consoles, there's a ton of stuff that I'm simply unaware of. I've always felt it better to ask a stupid question than to miss out on a potential steal. On the plus side, considering the asking price, my wallet is happy to pass this up
  6. If my CIB Gemini is any indication, no...but then I have no idea if it was pieced together or not. Also ironically, I was living in Calgary before moving here
  7. Naw, I'm basically looking for some games to test some consoles I intend to repair. Just moved and my collection is in another city. Pretty much just looked at it because there were a few boxes I didn't already have, and a bunch of carts to sell...but not worth the asking price. 19 boxed games for $250, with DK and Gorf being the highlights...yeah, I'll pass.
  8. So basically it's not common but also not worth overpaying to get. Pretty much what I needed to know. Thanks man!
  9. It's a .webp image, I just noticed that. Check back in a couple minutes, I'm changing it out for an actual image file now...
  10. So I was browsing through the local overpriced lots and stumbled on something I've personally never seen...a weird white box Donkey Kong. It seems like the Coleco release as opposed to the Atari one, but I'm not really sure what to make of it. The price tag is asinine...but I would like a bit more information on it before completely disregarding the ad. Any of you more knowledgeable folks able to comment? EDIT: I'm also in Canada (hence the French in the image), in case that info is pertinent.
  11. Since it seems mentioning things gets an early crack at them, I'll keep my list to four systems - Game Boy (loose carts), Lynx, 5200, and Intellivision (all CIB, but I'll look at partials as well - plenty of holes to fill). Still eagerly awaiting the public listings though!
  12. www.nesdev.com The wiki is a great resource, and the community is awesome.
  13. Not sure how well it works, but another option is the Suncom Mothership. Basically, you stick a control pad inside, and it turns it into a joystick. I have one, but since I prefer pads I've never tried it out. Could be another option for you to look for.
  14. The thing about AVGN is that it's a character, not a representation of James. Early on, I remember him popping up on NA because he was running out of games to critique that he knew much about, so wanted to know where to look for material. James actually likes a bunch of the games that AVGN the character harps on. Not all obviously, as he does review a LOT of crap as well, but games like TMNT, CV2, Zelda 2, etc, are not games he dislikes. AVGN is a character taking minor issues and blowing them out of proportion for the lulz. The problem is that too many people see it and take it as an unbiased review rather than the satire it is meant to be. But that's not on James, that's on stupid people that can't differentiate between entertainment and fact, and don't have the mental capacity to form their own opinions about anything. Anyone actually digging through old reviews from back in the day will find his complaints mentioned, sure, but they were never an issue to the magnitude that are made out in the videos even then. And anyone who actually PLAYED those games back in the day loved them. I never heard anything negative about them until the early to mid 2000s. And AVGN wasn't the first to do this, he's just the most popular of the bunch, so giving him sole blame is also a fool's errand.
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