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    West Coast US
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    Atari 2600/5200/7800, Atari and Commodore and 16 bit computers, Colecovision

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  1. No doubt about the compatibility of the keyboards, the grey color of the keys is the main difference. But probably this falcon did not leave the factory "wearing" a white keyboard, as to me (and someone please correct me if you think otherwise) the gap between the time where C-Labs took over the falcon line of computers, and Atari shipping first falcons with white keyboards is too long...
  2. That is also interesting... As far as I know C-Labs bought the falcon intellectual property from Atari when Atari went bankrupt. The white keyboard in falcon was observed only when Atari started selling the falcons, for just a few machines and until the grey keyboards got produced (they were delayed and Atari was in a hurry to start selling). How a C-Lab ended up with a white keyboard is a bit of a mystery... To me at least...
  3. But the question I have is this: Aren't C-Labs supposed to have done those fixes in their Falcons? If so, is this their work or is this a transplanted motherboard from an Atari branded falcon? Don't get me wrong... It is great to have a working falcon these days... But I would be curious to know if it is an original mk-i or not.
  4. Isn't this one of the clock fixes? There are a few different ones (each one with advantages and disadvantages) but the question is "is this one that the MK-I received from C-Labs? Or was the MK-I a "vanilla" Atari falcon board and one of the previous owners did this? Maybe someone who knows falcons better than me can chime in...
  5. Very near offers maybe. Do you happen to have one? 🙂 If so DM me please.
  6. I have a Vectrex console that works great and comes with its original box. The Vectrex is a US model made in Hong Kong. The serial numbers on the box and the console match. Also included are 7 games with their overlays. The overlay of Minestorm has some damage, and the bottom of the box seems like it has had some water damage. Other than that it is in great shape. The console itself seems to be in great shape, the screen is nice and bright and the sound is loud and crisp. Asking $800 via PayPal f&f (or goods & services + 4% fees) + shipping. USA only please with preference to the West Coast as this has a built-in CRT monitor. The console is well packaged (as seen in the photo) and ready to go. I will be shipping it insured unless you want to take the risk. This console is also being sold elsewhere.
  7. Bump! he a800 that I had also in this listing sold. No further dropping the asking price of the boxed 130XE
  8. Bump - Price on ebay is dropped, so I am reflecting it to this listing.
  9. Nothing left here...
  10. Either way, these rules apply for every power supply for any device. 🙂
  11. Reading a bit more carefully it seems like AC is unlikely as it is a newer device and if it says "tip positive" or "tip negative" it implies it is DC (in AC the two terminals switch between positive and negative). So make sure the amperage is within range and you are good to go.
  12. One very important thing to pay attention to is the amps that the keyboard draws! You need to find a power supply with the above discussed specs but with at minimum the number of amperage the manufacturer gives. Using less will put stress in the power supply and the keyboard and probably this will result in sever damage in either or both. Personally when I do things like this I aim to use a power supply that its amperage is rated about 20% more than what I need. But this is because the power supply will run a bit less stressed. So make sure the voltage is exactly the same (not less not more) and the amperage is either same or greater. One detail that is also very important is if the keyboard takes DC (direct current) or AC (alternative current). Probably it is DC but older devices (like the atari 400, 800 and their disk drives 810, 1050 etc) used to take AC and were converting it internally to DC. If your device needs AC and you give it DC, or the other way around at best case it won't work, worse case you will damage it (and/or the power supply).
  13. I love my netusbee. USB is handy but can corrupt files if the pen drive is not prepared (formatted) correctly and that can depend on the TOS version. Network however using uiptool is fantastic: fast and efficient. I'm fact I have a NAS connected to all my retro computers (Atari, Amiga, RiscPC, Mac, PC) via an Ethernet switch and that is really sweet.
  14. Yes, that was the thread with all the good info, you found it! Just open your ataris and have a look... Probably the circuit is already printed on the PCB... And if not it is such a simple circuit that you can make it yourself and connect it.
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