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About Laner

  • Birthday October 22

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  • Location
    Spring Hill, TN
  • Interests
    Anything Commodore and Atari. Playing guitar, running, weightlifting, web development.
  • Currently Playing
    ??? Any suggestions?

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  1. Frogger, Frogger, Frogger, Frogger, Pac-Man
  2. Ack... Kawari, not Kawaii (can't edit my post???)
  3. Nice - my childhood C64 has had a similar treatment... many of the internal parts have been swapped with modern replacements. I need to look into that Kawaii board - that looks sweet.
  4. I think I have a problem... https://imgur.com/a/eETMlaV



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bent_pin


      Looks like you have control issues

      Controlling Tonight Show GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

    3. Laner


      Yep, that space doubles as a rehearsal area for my various bands.


      And I have control issues in more ways than one :D

    4. GoldLeader


      Cool!  What kind of music do you play?

  5. Pitfall II is supported through Stella on other platforms. I'm not sure what would prevent it from working on the 2600+
  6. I believe there is a fundamental incompatibility between the 2600+ and those multicarts. The best solution I can see is updating the firmware to allow more direct access to the emulators and run ROMs from a USB drive (or internal memory, if there is enough space available), similar to how the NES/SNES/PS1 mini devices were hacked a few years ago.
  7. A lot of TV USB ports provide minimal power (and I don't know of many with usb-c ports); It may be better to get a separate power supply. Something like this should be more than sufficient: https://www.amazon.com/iPhone-Charger-Delivery-AirPods-Samsung/dp/B09CKBPZ34/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=2RP6N1VAOUND8&keywords=usb-c+power+adapter&qid=1700233183&sprefix=usb-c+power%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
  8. I bought one of these 7800-modded Space Invaders joysticks from someone here on AA way back in the day - though I don't recall who and my searching comes up empty. I absolutely loved it, but the cable developed a short and I have zero soldering skills to fix it. Is there be anyone on this thread who could take a look at it and repair it for me?
  9. I literally can't even... Type A dot and Type B dot, thankyouverymuch.
  10. I would argue it was a significant percentage that made the jump. The 2600 sold roughly 30M units in it's lifetime; other contemporary consoles account for another ~7M units. The Commodore 64/128 alone sold ~22M units. You also had the Atari 8-bits, the CoCo line, the Apple II, ZX Spectrum, Ti 99-4/a, etc. that account for many million more. In very broad strokes, you have roughly (+/- 10%) the same number of 8-bit home computers and pre-NES consoles sold. Obviously there are a lot of other factors at play that make a 1:1 comparison impossible - 8-bit computers used for tasks other than gaming, both consoles and computers purchased as a response to the current fad but never really used, 2600s and 8-bit computers purchased *after* the introduction of the NES, etc. And simply the fact that we lack hard sales numbers in many cases. Anyway - did everyone who owned a pre-crash console move to a home computer? No. But I think there is enough evidence to indicate that more than a "small percentage" made the jump from consoles to home computers as their primary gaming devices prior to the NES.
  11. It's hard to say if those adjustments NE146 illustrated above would have made the game less offensive to my 9 year old mind. Maybe slightly. But even with the graphical adjustments, it simply doesn't play like Pac-man. I continue to be astounded at the hubris by Atari to look at the original port, and say "Yep, that's good. Ship it!"
  12. Yes - Laser Blast was an uncharacteristic miss from Activision/David Crane
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