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    Liverpool, UK

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Chopper Commander

Chopper Commander (4/9)



  1. Mine too. It was a real surprise when it began peeling off. I can't imagine that something you handled would be manufactures in this way now. Even something cheaply produced.
  2. Yeah, good luck with this.
  3. Any more news on a physical release for this? It's looking great.
  4. I think this is the same developer who did the Silver Falls games for the Nintendo DS/3DS.
  5. Looks interesting. Is there any more information on this one?
  6. This is looking so good right now. Hoping for a physical release.
  7. I always though this would ge a physical release. Great concept for a game and it looks wonderful.
  8. Agreed. Played it to death when it foist came out and it's a very good looking platform too.
  9. I could do with a stockist in the UK too. Just tried for a shipping estimate and it was almost $30 making for a very expensive game.
  10. Blany

    Marlboro Go!

    Quite an interesting video by Kim Justice, who does lot's of this type of thing, on the history of this game.
  11. Amazing collection. How long has it taken you to amass all of those?
  12. I love seeing all this artwork stuff. I recall someone posting the fact that they had a lot of the original box artwork a few years ago. Does anyone remember who it was?
  13. Weirdly, all of issue 6 is here to view: https://archive.org/details/LynxUserIssue6/mode/2up
  14. There's some information over at Atari Gamer here: https://atarigamer.com/pages/lynx-user-magazines
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