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About vidak

  • Birthday 02/12/1991

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    Sydney, Australia

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  1. Hello I am going to be finishing my ASM 'guerrilla fighting fascists' game in the next few months I hope you're all doing well ? Vidak
  2. hey all, the good old commo dig can be found here: https://bootlicker.party/commo-dig/ i am going to update my signature here, and i will finally finish the dig, right to the end of the stella mailing list
  3. Hello! I am going to sponsor an Atari 2600 game development competition! I will make a limited run of cartridges. The best three entries will be included in the limited run of cartridges as a multi-cart. The development time will be six months. The competition will begin on 1 November 2018 at midnight in your timezone, and end on 30 April 2019 at midnight in your timezone. The theme and genre of the game is completely open! It can be anything! You may submit a game you have previously started. Use this opportunity to finish your game! Entries must be 4KB (4096 bytes) in size when compiled! ENTRY TO THE COMPETITION - A standard binary that is executable by the Stella Emulator. - Entries can be either in Assembly or batari BASIC - The source code must be made freely available. - Some brief instructions about how to play the game. - Instructions made freely available about how to compile the source code. - The source code - Borrowed from the IntyBASIC contest: As part of the validation process, each entry's source code will be built using its instructions and the final binary produced must match the submitted binary image 100%. Any entry that fails this criteria will not be judged. - I encourage you to start a thread discussing your competition entry, where you post photos of your WIP, WIP ROMs and source code, and provide other information about your entry. - You may co-author entries with people. That means more than one person can be an author to a game entry. Your entry must be submitted to vidak@riseup.net THE JUDGING PANEL The panel of judges is as follows: - vidak (myself) Anyone who wants to be a judge can become one! I /will/ permit judges to enter the contest, but they cannot score their own game entries. Anyone is allowed to give technical assistance SCORING SYSTEM The criteria upon which 4K VCS ASM entries will be assessed are: Originality (1 to 10) - Is the game based on a new idea or a twist on an established design? Concept (1 to 10) -The ''audacity'' of the game, how impressive the general idea of the game is. Presentation (1 to 10) Gameplay (1 to 10) - A measure of how enjoyable the game is to play. Replay Value (1 to 10) When the panel has scored each game accordingly, the totals for each criteria will be added together for each game to give it a final score.
  4. okay! If I have understood everyone's suggestions correctly, this is what I should change: - have an open contest between BASIC and Assembly games - create a limited run multicart with the top three games - have a six month timeframe - remove the fake label requirement If I have understood you all correctly, I'll go ahead and post this in the 2600 forum, with all the rules!
  5. Okay! I have made a poll! Let me know if you think there should be more choices!
  6. so people think a poll is a good idea? i'll edit the original post to include a poll with options!
  7. I think, from your feedback, Karl G, and Geminitronic, I'll allow an open competition - I need to look at what factors will have to be balanced against Assembly and BASIC games, though. Just out of curiosity - would many more people feel encouraged to participate if entries could also be in BASIC?
  8. Would more people feel encouraged to participate if it was 2K, and had maybe 3 months or so development time? From what I am seeing of the covers, I may make an Ikari Warriors clone... Or an adventure game... Would it be better to include BASIC games as well? What would encourage more people?
  9. i am sitting here at my computer, feeling the desire to work on my game, but feeling very bored at the same time. i think i will build up the will over the week! i just haven't compiled the code since the big overhaul, and i am completely scared that it will be a complete mess to fix hahahah

    1. DZ-Jay


      Do it! Do it! DO IT!!!

    2. GoldLeader


      Just Dive In when you're up to it!

  10. yo! i am not sure if you're concerned about copyright or intellectual property, but you don't have to base it on a fake label with exclusive property rights! you can find a label in the public domain if you want to. you can also /make/ your own fake label, if yiu want to. basing your game on the label of an existing game is also okay! i know there are many great VCS labels!
  11. Okay! I have received an offer of an eztra $50 on social media if we go with the cart manufacturing for the prizes - so for this competition we can manufacture carts for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes!
  12. I also have some cheap LEGO knock off kits that can be used as prizes. I can use the money to publish games in carts if that is popular - and I can also extend the competition development time beyond a month if people want more time.
  13. ENTRY TO THE COMPETITION - A standard binary that is executable by the Stella Emulator. - The source code must be made freely available. - Some brief instructions about how to play the game. - Instructions made freely available about how to compile the source code. - The source code must be able to be assembled by the latest DASM - Borrowed from the IntyBASIC contest: As part of the validation process, each entry's source code will be built using its instructions and the final binary produced must match the submitted binary image 100%. Any entry that fails this criteria will not be judged. - I encourage you to start a thread discussing your competition entry, where you post photos of your WIP, WIP ROMs and source code, and provide other information about your entry. - You may co-author entries with people. That means more than one person can be an author to a game entry. Your entry must be submitted to vidak@riseup.net THE JUDGING PANEL The panel of judges is as follows: - vidak (myself) Anyone who wants to be a judge can become one! I /will/ permit judges to enter the contest, but they cannot score their own game entries. Anyone is allowed to give technical assistance SCORING SYSTEM The criteria upon which 4K VCS ASM entries will be assessed are: Originality (1 to 10) - Is the game based on a new idea or a twist on an established design? Concept (1 to 10) -The ''audacity'' of the game, how impressive the general idea of the game is. Presentation (1 to 10) Gameplay (1 to 10) - A measure of how enjoyable the game is to play. Replay Value (1 to 10) When the panel has scored each game accordingly, the totals for each criteria will be added together for each game to give it a final score.
  14. The fictional game cases I was talking about are here: http://famicase.com/18/index.html The images are called the Famicase Exhibition - you can use any fictional game case, though!
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