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  1. I haven't seen a direct wired controller adapter yet, but there is a Bluetooth adapter that lets you use a DualShock4 (and others) wirelessly on Jaguar: https://stoneagegamer.com/jag-bt-bluetooth-controller-adapter-for-the-atari-jaguar-humble-bazooka.html The mapping I use for a DualShock 4 on Jaguar is here: https://forums.atariage.com/topic/226894-total-carnage-pro-controller-compatibility/page/2/#comment-5205335
  2. I don't have a screenshot, but I can tell you my button mapping. DS4 Jag DPad Left DPad Left DPad Right DPad Right DPad Down DPad Down DPad Up DPad Up L Analog Left DPad Left L Analog Right DPad Right L Analog Down DPad Down L Analog Up DPad Up R Analog Left NumPad 4 R Analog Right NumPad 6 R Analog Down NumPad 8 R Analog Up NumPad 2 Square C Cross B Circle A Triangle NumPad 8 (ProController Y) L1 NumPad 4 (ProController L) L2 NumPad 7 (ProController Z) L3 NumPad 1 R1 NumPad 6 (ProController R) R2 NumPad 9 (ProController X) R3 NumPad 3 Share Option Options Pause Touchpad NumPad 5 PS NumPad *+# This mapping lets you use either the DPad or the Left analog stick to play, gives you access to almost all NumPad functions, and should work for a wide variety of games. The only functions that are missing are NumPad 0 (which I believe is only ever used for toggling music) and individual access to NumPad * and NumPad # (to my knowledge, those keys are only ever used for soft reset, both pressed simultaneously). If you really want separate access to every NumPad key: L1, R1, and Triangle are all mapped to duplicated functions for ease of use, and can be replaced with NumPad *, NumPad #, and NumPad 0.
  3. Sorry to gravedig, but I think this is relevant: I recently picked up a JagBT BlueRetro adapter from Stone Age Gamer: https://stoneagegamer.com/jag-bt-bluetooth-controller-adapter-for-the-atari-jaguar-humble-bazooka.html This device allows you to use one of several newer Bluetooth console controllers (PS4, PS5, XB1, Switch Pro, etc) on the Jaguar. I'm using it with a DualShock4 controller. When I map the left analog to DPad left/right/down/up, and the right analog to Keypad 4/6/8/2, I get true, seamless, 8-way twin-stick controls (with working diagonals). Your character looks a little weird while moving and shooting as you're constantly changing the direction you're facing between shots, but it works flawlessly. So if you are still looking for a good option to play Total Carnage on Jaguar with twin-stick controls, you now have it.
  4. Albert, I sent you a PM but haven't heard back. How can I order one of these boxes?
  5. I ordered a GameDrive from Atari Age back in August, but the boxes were sold out at the time. Is there any ETA on when GD boxes will be available to purchase?
  6. Do you mean an Everdrive? Evercade is a newer retro game console. I'm not so sure that having hundreds of games on a cartridge would have been as amazing as one might initially think. I do really think that part of the enjoyment as a kid was the fact that the selection of games was limited. I really only received 1-2 new games on my birthday or Xmas, so the few games I received I really played. Even the subpar ones. Looking at young gamers today (especially on mobile platforms), the selection of free-or-extremely-cheap games is essentially unlimited, and many of those free games are more complex and entertaining than the 8-bit and 16-bit games of yesteryear. But it doesn't feel like kids today have a utopia of low-cost gaming, you know? To be honest, if I could send something back in time to a younger version of me, I think something like this would have created the most happiness:
  7. I don't understand how one could possibly argue that a CD addon that sold for $150 in 1995 somehow would have been cheaper than that to integrate into the system 2 years earlier. Whatever arguments you're making about CD drive prices clearly weren't viable for Atari in 1995, and would have been less so in 1993; if you're saying that was (partially) due to poor management, it's the same management. A JagDuo in 1993 would have been a $400 system, minimum.
  8. I was able to purchase a GameDrive from AtariAge, but the boxes were sold out. Is there a way to get on a waiting list for GD boxes?
  9. While you can make a fair argument for WiiU being of the same generation as PS4/XB1, I never saw anyone saying that the Switch was a generation beyond those two. (Wikipedia has WiiU/PS4/XB1/Switch all as eighth-generation consoles.) As I said, Nintendo's consoles straddle generations; you could say they are released extremely late in a generation, or you could say they are released very early and and a full generation behind in processing power.
  10. This is a really weird way to define "failure," though. Was the PS3 more of a failure than the WiiU? How about the Virtual Boy? Was the 360 also a "failure?" When you have a console like Jaguar, 3DO, or Dreamcast that drag the manufacturer to the bottom of the ocean, it's hard to argue that those were less of a "failure" than, say, the OG Xbox, on which MS lost money hand over fist, but which provided a necessary stepping stone to entering the console business, as well as introducing Xbox Live. edit: I think the important question to ask about "failure" is: in hindsight, would that company have been better off not releasing that console at all? Atari would have been better off never releasing the Jaguar and transitioning to a software house in 1993. Sega would have been better off never releasing the Dreamcast and transitioning to software and arcades in 1998. Nintendo would have been better off never releasing the Virtual Boy and skipping the WiiU entirely, riding the 3DS until the Switch. Sony most definitely would NOT have been better off never releasing the PS3.
  11. The original Game Boy was the last time Nintendo was an early releaser; since then, Nintendo is usually last to market. (The WiiU and Switch were so late that they straddle generations.)
  12. I noticed the 15 14 ST ports listed at the bottom of the first post that are marked as compatible with the GD. Is that an exhaustive list? That is to say, are all other ST ports NOT compatible with the GD (and therefore not worth searching the forums for)?
  13. Nintendo thought that using a backlit screen would be too expensive and power hungry for the GBA. But then they released the GBA SP, which ended up being the most popular GBA model. I'm just not convinced that the price or battery difference between the GB and the Lynx were that significant. Nintendo has shown that they can win these wars with a less powerful/less expensive solution (GB), or a more powerful/more expensive solution (SNES). It all boils down to games.
  14. Define "right." Do you think that if Nintendo had released the Lynx and Atari had released the Game Boy, the market would have chosen Atari (and Atari's game library) based on portability and battery life? I think the opposite is true. Nintendo hasn't won every single round of the portable console wars because they are supernaturally insightful as to the exact sweet spot of portable console technology. They are winning on games, period. They've beaten portables that were more advanced and power-hungry (Lynx, Game Gear, PSP, Vita) and portables that went low-tech (monochromes like Wonderswan & NeoGeo Pocket). It's the games. Every time. Not only does Nintendo have the strongest first-party titles, but every powerhouse third-party is lined up to give their portable first crack at the best properties. And it's been that way since 1989.
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