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  1. just thought you should know that steve finally did it. sold the rust shop and became a truck driver.
  2. is there any word about a potential second run?
  3. maybe. i might be a bit biased because of some guy that owned a gaming store kept going on and on about it and trying to make it seem like a steal of a deal for $100.
  4. I dunno. I think anyone that would own this game has no self respect.
  5. Is there an ODE, that you know of, for 3DO?
  6. that's a good point. i will take it under advisement. perhaps the previous model will be sold at significant discounts by then?
  7. i think this is a bit of an exaggeration. no one owns it.
  8. Besides AC and normal BotW and Odyssey recommendations...is there a game you recommend I look into? I've missed so much of the releases. I think I recall some game called Golf Story or something that was discussed in a thread with you in it. How is that?
  9. I bought a Switch a while back; maybe a year after the initial release and was really looking forward to the new Animal Crossing release. However, stuff came up and I ended up giving it away to little boy as a birthday present...thinking I could just buy one again later whenever I wanted. Then COVID hit and I couldn't find one in-stock online or in stores near me unless I had to pay through the nose to a scalper. I haven't checked the market much recently, but it seems like the systems are becoming more and more available. Is it still worth buying or is there something new on the horizon I should just wait for? I'm hoping I'm not too late and missed the AC bus. I was envious of all the stalk market update talk my friends were having.
  10. i am not sure why you all are so hard on him. he's doing this as a labor of love and just sharing his thoughts. i think his games are pretty well made for a hobbyist and we should be encouraging people like him...not hating on him.
  11. Just wanted to highlight that this is a great approach that more people should take to heart. You don't want to put your entire collection in one, proverbial, basket. It exposes your collection to too much risk. Diversification is key in any video game portfolio.
  12. I think you are severely underestimating the CDi market and buying power.
  13. Do you know if the people responsible for this project have any plans to release pro CDi controllers?
  14. Sorry if it came across in that way. I am just passionate and opinionated about my retro gaming systems.
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