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  1. I have copied some disks with Basic on them to Datapack. The problem is that they don't find the HELLO program because it is still trying to find it on a disk. Does anyone know the location in the BASIC program to edit so it looks for the tape instead? I mean the location in the BASIC program on the tape.
  2. Well,I now can access LOGO files on any medium by using the SETDEVICE function.
  3. Yeah a few of the commands are different in French BASIC but there are some added ones that make graphics easier to do. I just now have to figure out how to read the README and DOC files. I forgot how to do that. I can't figure out how to get a file into the WP.
  4. I also like that version of BASIC the best of all of them. There is another version of GhostShip on there that has to be run in the original BASIC.
  5. Thanks, I put a lot of time into those things. Did you see the 3 scenes from Nintendo games? Zelda, Metroid, and Super Mario? The pictures took a long time to get right too.
  6. Yeah only the setdevice works and I can't access files if they are on a medium that has a bootable program on it, like BASIC or even LOGO itself
  7. I'm a big fan of the ADAM computer and have been since about 1990. I have a full system with 2 tape drives, a disk drive, and a separate power supply. I also have a large collection of software both on tape and disk. The only problem is that it's all in a storage locker in Florida and I'm in upstate NY. I recently started using the Virtual ADAM emulator and I'm very impressed by it. About 15 years ago I sent a disk to the ADAM user's group with some of my work on it and I was trying get a disk image of it from someone. I downloaded a big volume of ADAM disk images and I found one called "FrenchBASIC and compilations" I was amazed to find that it is an image of the disk that I sent in and all the files on it were made by me. There are some utilities I wrote, a couple of games, and a number of SmartLOGO files including 2 pictures I made back then. The utility called BlockMGR says it's by Hensoft Creations and that was me back then. I'll attach the image file if anyone would want to look at it. The LOGO pictures are called SHARK and FISH and I'm still proud of them today. I made another post with this question but I'll ask it again. Is there a way to change the active drive in SmartLOGO so files can be accessed from another tape or disc? I don't remember if there is or not. Anyway I'm attaching the disk image file so you guys can look it over. FrenchBASIC+ Compilation.DSK
  8. I have a question. It's been like 15 years since I did anything with SmartLOGO and I don't remember if there is a way to change drives it saves to and loads from. Can anyone help me with this?
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