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  1. I'll send you the jtag file via PM. You'll need an altera usb blaster, some jtag header pins and intel quartus prime on your PC. Once flashed, update to the latest FW using the update ROM.
  2. Oh, I never insinuated you stole any credit! The entire point is to show your skill in utilising the board, which you have done really really well. Your work looks great. I was just saying, any recognition BennVenn can get is worth giving. He does wonders for the GameBoy scene.
  3. That's using BennVenn's board it seems. https://bennvenn.myshopify.com/products/porchie-the-vga-out-board-for-your-dmg Definitely give him credit if so.
  4. "save cows, even ones you didn't realise were cows" - earthworm jim 2
  5. It'll happen. There's extensions for firefox and chrome that instantly notify you of a change to a webpage. Use that, set it to Analogue's sales page and you're sorted.
  6. I still haven't installed the jailbroken fw. With an extensive collection plus an SD2SNES, I simply don't need to. ....however, if there was an equivalent of COPYNES, I most definitely would. I have a good amount of irreplaceable saves and maybe unique variant carts that I'd love to back up.
  7. To be fair to Jason at game-tech, I honestly believe only myself and a select few others have the native *.jic file. To quote my email from game-tech: So I wouldn't blame them at all, really. The issue is that quite influential sites such as retrorgb are linking to the install file (which is found only on the private installer page) directly, with no disclaimer or warning: http://retrorgb.com/ultrahdmi.html screenshot: --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Now, considering that game-tech alone sell 400 units per batch, that's a significant chance of a lot of them being fucked over by it. And these aren't installers out to make a profit, they're just standard hobbyists like myself.
  8. Of course. I went on a little bit of a panicked posting spree, asking for help on the forums I knew. Someone on shmups forwarded me a PM with a raw 1.05 version firmware file that can be flashed to the board with a usb blaster. It was previously only shared on irc #n64dev, so he didn't want to post it publicly. Later on, Marshall sent me an equivalent jtag file for 1.07a via email. I emailed him using a private email gained from someone who is in close contact. So basically, if I hadn't had the contacts I had, I would have been fucked. Game-tech were unfortunately no help whatsoever, which is shocking when this situation could easily happen to any one of the hundreds of customers for the item. Or easily for any reseller/installer.
  9. This topic can be locked, please Marshall and others came through for me. thanks regardless
  10. Oh and just to clarify (would edit the post above, but the options seems to have disappeared!), I've got quartus prime installed, and I'm able to flash the cyclone 3 on the UltraHDMI (EP3C10F256) via jtag easily. I just need the file!
  11. What horrible luck. I received an UltraHDMI board a few days ago via game-tech, and installed it fine...install was a breeze. I set to upgrade the firmware to 1.07a to eliminate the audio "pop" issue using the firmware update rom on this page: http://retrorgb.com/ultrahdmi.html ( http://ultrahdmi.retroactive.be/installer_files/ultrahdmi_firm_107a.z64) Halfway through the update, my house lost power - as many of you know, the south of the UK is experiencing one hell of a snowstorm (https://twitter.com/ssencommunity/status/969656831307075586 is proof my power went out...). Once we got power back, I found out my UltraHDMI was bricked. I've tried the firmware update *.z64 again with the N64 hooked up to my CRT but that doesn't seem to work, likely because the code to receive the update on the fpga is kaput. I have a capable altera flasher here - but I cannot find the file anywhere online, which I understand is due to safety concerns Marshallh has ....problem is, without a firmware update I can flash to the board, my ultrahdmi is as good as junk and I'm pretty gutted that my £150 install that I only put together a day ago is now useless! I'd rather not have to send the ultrahdmi anywhere as I have the kit here to fix it. I emailed game-tech. No help there at all other than telling me I'm on my own. I emailed Marshallh and posted on the retroactive forums, but again, not expecting any kind of prompt response if any Does anyone have any ideas at all or does anyone have access to the raw firmware file I could flash to my board via JTAG? If not, would it not be feasible to extract that data from the upgrade rom? That's gotta be possible, right? If I can simply open up the file with a hex editor and take out what I need, that'd be fantastic - but I have no idea where to start with that.
  12. THANK YOU KEVTRIS!!! This newest firmware has solved the colour issues I was having. It's now a dead on match for my SFC Jr/OSSC and as such I can now use the SNT exclusively in its place on my HDTV. glorious
  13. I've been playing on my Analogue NT Mini tonight and I'm still amazed by it. It's such an incredible, beautiful piece of hardware. I bought it as a total impulse purchase on Christmas day. glad I did.
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