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Azura Bayta

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Combat Commando

Combat Commando (1/9)



  1. Sorry to dig this thread up, but I just wanted to add to this just in case any of the five people who own one of these don't want to deal with the left paddle being nearly if not totally invisible on modern screens. I got my hands on an APF TV Fun model 444 recently, which has the black left paddle. I modified mine to make the left paddle white, which is actually really simple to do. Pin 10 of the AY-3-8500 is the output for the left paddle, and that signal gets fed through a transistor, then a CD4001BE (a little IC with four NOR gates), and finally passes through a 2.7k resistor before meeting up with the other output signals. What I've done is I removed the transistor and bridged the signal through. The result at that point was a grey paddle, so then I replaced the 2.7k resistor with a 1.5k one instead to balance the colors back out. The result is a game that's actually playable on modern TVs. I hope this helps anyone else frantically rummaging through old forum posts for a solution to this like I was!
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