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About broettger

  • Birthday August 13

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  • Location
    Minneapolis, MN
  • Interests
    Motorcycles, Virtual Reality, 3D Printing and old computers...

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Chopper Commander

Chopper Commander (4/9)



  1. It’s not the first sold on the second hand market. I sold one of mine to another forum member here for cost shortly after they originally sold out.
  2. Their inventory is all donated stuff, but they do get vintage stuff pretty regularly. I have been going there to donate/ buy stuff for years. I don’t think the popular vintage stuff is around long enough to get put on their website.
  3. Motivation for any hobby comes from within. If you have to ask for it or seek it from an external source, you are doomed to fail!
  4. Impressive! I am amazed at what you could do with just 10 lines of code.
  5. I have the original ti sticks, but never use them. I find the wico or other Atari style sticks to be much more comfortable
  6. I left my TI turned off for 30 minutes, came back and it is now working normally.....I just loaded the disk image from the TIPI and played a few rounds... I love the music and the atmosphere you have created for this game. One question. Is it possible to defeat the bats when they corner me in a door? They have killed me several times and I can't seem to defeat them. Nevermind the silly question. I figured it out with a bit more trial and error.
  7. Thank you for trying to help me out. I don't want to hijack your thread about this awesome game.... When basic loads I just a have a blinking block cursor. Everything else is "invisible". I have also been having other seemingly random strange behavior with it tonight. I will need to start a separate thread to get some help diagnosing the issues.
  8. I received my copy in the mail today too! I was all excited to hookup my TI and play a great game only to be disappointed by my retro hobby. Apparently 40 year old hardware is not always reliable.... Perhaps I should look into using an emulator instead of old hardware when I need to get my retro computing fix. I have some video issue where the boot screens look fine and basic loads, but no characters appear on the screen as I type. The cursor moves but it is like cyan text on a cyan background. I can't see it! I will now need to investigate if it is an issue with the recently installed F18A or something else. All part of the fun, I suppose....
  9. I love what you have put together! Kudos and congratulations on the release! I haven’t had a working tape recorder for my TI for 35 years, I may have to track one down.
  10. I like it! An impressive start for a “simple” TI BASIC game that can run on the base system! Way better than the run of the mill type in games back in the day.
  11. I think I have come across a bug with the 4.19.042 version. I have reproduced it on both real hardware and on the Steam version. Start a new game Go to the General Store in Althorpe. Select buy. Press Q to examine any food item(hardtack, potatoes, etc) Game screeches and locks up! Examine works fine on other items and every where else I have tried it.
  12. I would try downloading the latest SD card image to a different card and see if that works. Another possibility is that the WiFi doesn’t work on your Pi. I had a Pi3b where the WiFi chip started overheating(burning to the touch) and the WiFi stopped working. That pi is probably over 5 years old, but the WiFi just died in the last week.
  13. If you need to edit the WiFi settings on the pi you can use the following command after logging in. sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf After making your changes hit Ctrl-O to write the file, Ctrl-X to exit nano. Then reboot the raspberry Pi.
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