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    Adulthood is overrated
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  • Interests
    Nerdy stuff
  • Currently Playing
    Wizardry Llylgamyn Saga on Super Famicom
  • Playing Next
    Probably some kind of RPG or maybe Thunderforce IV

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  1. Are we allowed to say “holy shit” around here?
  2. Need to grab conductive paint to repair the keyboard on my new Atari 1200XL. Can anybody link to stuff that will work well on Amazon?

  3. I’ve officially joined the family. 72R DA 06713 183
  4. Only microsd card I had was 64GB. Windows 11 only allowed formatting it as ExFAT and my new harmony encore couldn’t read it. Used the disk management tool to create a 16GB partition on the card, which Windows then defaulted to FAT32 and everything is now working fine. Now if you’ll excuse me, Demons are Attacking.
  5. Very neat. I think I know the two you're talking about - not too interested in the racer, but the Elevator Action remake looks very neat. Would this be a firmware update or one of the expansion pieces you posted about earlier?
  6. So I did my own digging to try and figure out what determines if a game is/isn't compatible with Harmony. Looks like it's the 32KB of flash ram on the microcontroller - I'm guessing that's where the entire ROM needs to be loaded in order to have fast enough access.
  7. If I snag some 2600 paddles of the vintage variety, how hard is it to refurb them? Deoxit and maybe a new pot?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bent_pin


      I've refurbed nearly a hundred sets so far. Three liberal cleanings with contact cleaner is the magic number, letting them dry completely between cleanings. After that they either work perfectly or they are scrap for parts recycling. If they test well, I spray some Tectran 500-55 Penetrating Dielectric Lubricant in there and they will not need to be serviced again for a minimum of 20 years.

    3. deepthaw


      Sounds like a trip to the local electronics shop for contact cleaner is in order.

    4. bent_pin


      Be sure to get dielectric lubricant spray only, any other lubricant spray including white lithium grease will gum up the works and cause damage. I do have white lithium grease spray that I use for bearings and hinges in trackballs and cases and such.

  8. Is there a maintained list of games that are incompatible with the Harmony Encore? Best I can find is a few off hand mentions of titles and a general “newer homebrews.” I’ve got one coming in this week and was curious.
  9. I live in Indiana and got shipping confirmation for mine that I ordered last week a few days ago so if you still haven’t heard anything I’d definitely check in directly with the seller.
  10. Star Raiders and Starmaster. Makes me wish I had an 8-bit to be honest. yes I could use my MiSTer but that feels like cheating.
  11. Not sure why but been on an Atari buying spree lately. Unfortunately, the Epyx 500XJ I picked up turned out to be for the NES? I didn't even know they made them for NES.

    1. Reaperman


      NES 500xj's are especially great paired with the NT Mini's 7800 core (7800 never got an xj), I did a vid on those once. There is also a Competition Pro for NES--Those are completely useless, the nes 500xj is only 'mostly useless'

    2. deepthaw


      Hmm I do have a MiSTer. Hadn’t thought of using with 7800. 

  12. Picked up a light sixer this weekend that came with two Kraft Mazemasters. On both of them, the 4/8 adjustment at the bottom is extremely hard to turn. Videos I see online people seem to be adjusting it with no difficulty. Is this normal? Any idea what to look at in order to fix it? I did a cursory glance at the innards and didn’t notice anything obvious.
  13. I've not had a chance yet (been too busy with housework to tinker with the A2E) but I was able to transfer several files off Captain's Quarters with both Y-Modem and X-Modem. I'm using a WiModem232 and I think he uses TCPser on a Raspberry Pi.
  14. Curbside pentium 4 is officially a lost cause. On the plus side, I’m sure the 600W power supply and cf/ide adapter I bought will be useful in whatever my next project is. 

    1. Keatah


      Why lost cause? Surely there are parts to salvage, that in and of itself is a win!


  15. No. It moves a full 360 but only registers the 8 primary directions.
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