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About gar0u

  • Birthday 03/29/1973

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  • Location
    Pacific Northwest
  • Interests
    Intellivision, Commodore 64, MAME

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Moonsweeper (5/9)



  1. Congratulations, Hank! I always had the same problem. Loved Sea Battle, but it was two player only. How do people go about improving old games? Start with a ROM and a disassembler?
  2. I enjoy the HSC but haven't been able to participate lately. I'd hate to see it go away though. Looking forward to next season. Maybe we could promote it on social media, or Intellivisionaries podcast?
  3. Great episode (as always). Had the best of intentions to attend PRGE this year, but it just snuck up on me. Definitely going next year after hearing your report. Hope to see you there!
  4. I used to play mini campaigns with the Intellivision space games. First Space Battle, trying to hold off the aliens, then Star Strike for Earth's last stand. After Earth gets blown up, Space Hawk, as a survivor floating in space. Curious what settings you all prefer? I liked Direct & Quick. Died after about 20m. Didn't hit the 30m mark, but will play more again soon I hope. If not, here's my entry.
  5. Ran out of lives 20m in. Probably the most room for improvement on this game. I tend to play Astrosmash and Space Hawk slow and cautious to rack up a high score. 30m time limit really changes thing! That score is 40,190. Badly timed picture!
  6. First entry. Going to be sure to play all three games before trying to improve my score. Love this game!
  7. Rick, you literally picked my three favorite games to finish the season. I have to get at least one play of each--starting with Utopia!
  8. Ah! Thank you! I recall we played that for the High Score Club last season. Good way to learn about and play games I missed as a kid!
  9. Cleaning up some old files on my computer and came across this screenshot. Sure looks like an Intellivision game, but I do NOT recognize it. Can anyone identify it? Thanks!
  10. So disappointed in myself for not playing the games for this round. Microsurgeon and Night Stalker are two of my all time favorites. And based on the limited number of participants, I could have really boosted my score for the season--even if I came in last place! I'll try to do better!
  11. Make that 8! Fun game! Going to post now in case I don't get a chance to improve my score before the deadline.
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