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  1. If i dont get a clue in the next days i'll probably further work on the list that has already covered some of these games. It's been a long time since it got updated so theres a lot of work to do here
  2. Since he listed those games on his list, i expect him to atleast have some info about it.
  3. Yeah, i saw that he had his own game. Still, i really dont know where to contact him since he seems to be the only person knowing all of these games we don't have a proof of existence of.
  4. I'd be really thankful if anyone knew who "Craig Pell" is. All the games on this list on the thread that no proof of existence are from his rarity list so we could ask him for that and maybe get a bunch of information from games we've never heard before. We just need to contact him somehow.
  5. Okay, so: The only source of the games listed in this thread (Except those that already got found or whatever) all go back to sites like http://gatland.tripod.com/vgr.txtor http://dhp.com/~sloppy/classic/atari/Atari2600.rarity , which all use the same text. This text is from vgr@clark.net. I did some research and found out that VGR stands for Video Game Review (As you can find here: https://atariage.com/glossary/index.php?page=2&search=) and the person who is behind this rarity guide is called Craig Pell. Does anybody know this person whatsoever? He could help us with these abandoned games. Thanks
  6. Is this site (http://gatland.tripod.com/vgr.txt) legit? All the games listed in this thread are also seen on this site but thats the only proof i can find of all these lost games that weren't found already.
  7. Actually i've been passively active on this site for a longer time but without registration n stuff and this thread caught my attention.
  8. It's a long time since the list got updated. I would really appreciate if we would further work on this one. Did anybody find new clues?
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