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About JJB

  • Birthday 03/12/1968

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  • Location
    Wellington, New Zealand
  • Interests
    Pretty much everything electronic & mechanical; returning to the TI99/4a after 25 years
  • Currently Playing
    with FinalGROM99
  • Playing Next
    with DSK emulation on the cheap

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  1. That did the trick, just compiled and tested MDOS. Thanks mate, much appreciated.
  2. I did some more troubleshooting and individually compiled the source files listed in !DOIT (which I assume is generated by MAKE?); these 3 all give an "out of memory" error: BIN\ASM HD\COPYS,OBJ\HDOBJ,,RCO BIN\ASM L8\FDC-SRC,OBJ\OBJ1,,RCO BIN\ASM L6\XOPS-S,OBJ\XOPS-G,,RCO I am compiling under MAME / MDOS 7.45; are there any memory constraints with this combo you think?
  3. I have been trying to compile MDOS with "MAKE MDOS,F" (both using Beery's TIFILES archive and importing the regular source with the updated TIimagetool) but I am getting lots of errors (see attached). The linking error at the end relates to this section in MDOSL: PAGES ,P_VID1,P_VID2,P_VID3 CLEAR BLOCK >2000,>8000 ADD OBJ\XOPS-G ST * EVAL VIDEND I guess it's not surprising that linking doesn't work with several missing object files. I think I also spotted "out of memory" during assembly. What am I doing wrong 🙂?
  4. Great! I bumped into the import bug and was hoping you would fix it 😁
  5. Thanks Beery, much appreciated. I'll fire up TI99Dir and give it a go.
  6. Noob question here: is there an easy way to copy the source tree to a HD image? I have tried with the excellent TIImageTool but with the absence of TIFILES headers it's rather slow and error-prone
  7. In addition to my assembling instructions on GitHub: I initially used a fixture to get those riser connectors straight but I found that by eyeballing it, tagging 1 pin in place and if necessary correct slightly by wiggling and heating the solder on that pin the (straight) results are similar. Once you get it straight tack a couple of others and then solder the rest properly. The reason to tack (quickly solder) is to prevent the riser to float and lift from the board when the solder makes its way through the via. The final step would be to properly re-solder the tacked pins. Yes those Ethernet shields are not the greatest quality unfortunately but I guess the price makes up for it. Once cleaned up a bit and assembled they work fine.
  8. Wow that's a great piece of software. Super!
  9. Thanks! I started my emulation journey there and it's the reason I wanted to create my own images: sorting stuff differently, creating a clean boot HD with the latest MDOS version etc.
  10. I am a Myarc noob so this has probably been done before but I couldn't find any info on creating your own HD (MFM) images. I had a crack at it and made a quick guide along the way (see attached). It uses the CHDMAN MAME tool (attached) and you will need an existing HD image to start with. The latter can be found on whtech or see the latest MDOS release. Again, there may be much better info out there; let me know and I'll update this post. Myarc Geneve 9640 - MAME MFM HD images.pdf chdman.zip
  11. I only programmed an Arduino bootloader using another Arduino (some excellent online tutorials for this). You should be able to use your TL866 as well but I haven't tried that.
  12. Just was going to ask if you have anything selected there; mine has no selection: But I don't think it will make a difference as long as you use the "Upload" option. From the Arduino Wiki: The programmer selection is not used when: Compiling your sketch (for example, when clicking Verify). Uploading without a programmer, by clicking the Upload button. But you said "So it is working, it just won't let me upload and program it to the ATMega328P AVR." In other words when you use "Upload" it works but when you use "Upload using programmer" it doesn't? The whole idea behind "Upload" is to use the resident bootloader to act as a programmer and make it simple for anyone to program a device. The bootloader does use space so with an external programmer you can remove the bootloader and have more space for your code but the whole process is a bit more complex for novices.
  13. I noticed your board is set to "Arduino UNO WiFi" in the IDE but I'm pretty sure the board you purchased is a vanilla R3 without WiFi. I reckon that if you change the board to "Arduino Uno" (see below) you should be good to go:
  14. Those warnings shouldn't prevent uploading the sketch and the amount of program and dynamic memory left is similar with what I get: Sketch uses 29248 bytes (90%) of program storage space. Maximum is 32256 bytes. Global variables use 1435 bytes (70%) of dynamic memory, leaving 613 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes. That seems to indicate you are using the right version of libraries. But I do see "An error occurred while uploading the sketch" which could be a comms problem. Have you tried a to upload an example sketch (Files / Examples) to see if the upload mechanism works? Also, would you be able to send me a link with info on the type of Arduino you are using?
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