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About Guitarman

  • Birthday 10/13/1961

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  • Custom Status
    Atari Is Golden
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  • Location
    Austin TX

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Stargunner (7/9)



  1. Hello my long lost Ataris!! After 8 years, 3 moves and 2400 miles, my Atari collection is seeing its first light of day in a long time. I can finally get it all organized, recorded and start thinning the herd after many years of flux. This is only part of what I need to unbox and shelf, but it is a great start!!! I even found my 1400XL project box!!! I see a new build in my near future!!
  2. From what I understand, the only difference is the hardware BIOS. The code in the cartridge (800 or 5200) is the same.
  3. After looking at some images online, I see the difference. I wonder what the story is there? I see quite a few pictures of both. The one you speak of has the flashier 'Video Music' with both © and TM shown. Mine doesn't have those marks.
  4. Merry Christmas to me!!! My brother sent this to me for Christmas. He found and won it in an auction in Reno NV. This fills a hole in my collection that I had been trying to find for a long time. And it is in excellent condition!!
  5. This thread is a great read. When I purchase my board, I also ordered all the needed parts that were on the BOM from Mouser and Digikey. I think the only part I still don't have is one of the GAL chips. Two of the three were still available from Best, so I was able to get those. I have moved twice since that time, so the board and all the parts to build it out are still boxed in a storage garage!! I have finally, recently, started re-organizing my entire collection to get a handle on everything. I still have the plan to build out my board, so this thread is getting tagged!!
  6. Yeah. I remember seeing a couple of pallets of these at a Smith's store in Carson City NV, well after they were supposed to be available. I bought one and started comparing it to the FB2's that I had and noticed slight differences in the Atari logo on the counterfeit one. I brought it up to Curt (Vendel) at the time and he knew nothing about them. After his research, he found that they were illegally made and distributed. There is an old post in this group about it when it happened with images pointing out what to look for.
  7. Karl, I noticed in the spreadsheet, one of mine is in red. What does that mean? Just curious. Also, I am listed at 12. I think I have 13. I will verify my numbers.
  8. LOL!!! I can't believe it has been almost 13 years since I posted the last update on this!! On my last move I mentioned (2010), a lot of my Atari collection never made it out of their boxes. What did make it out of boxes got reboxed when I moved back down to San Diego in 2017. None of my collection got unboxed there as there was no room to. In March of 2020, I moved to Austin TX area. Now that I'm fully settled in a new house, I can start unboxing and organizing the collection properly. The Falcon will be one of the first things on my bench....when I find it!! LOL. I am having a workshop built on the property that will be fully shelved with a workbench on one end. Let the (Atari) games begin!!!
  9. LOL!! Yes. Some of those will be part of the fire sale coming soon. I think I have 10 unopened. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. LOL!!! If I'm not mistaken, that box is my Portfolio box or my Lynx box.....maybe LOL
  11. ...This is 10 years later. And yes, 80% of the U-Haul boxes are Atari.
  12. Impossible for me to choose just one I have too many of!!! These pics were 2010!!
  13. OK. Here's a "one off" before my more "organized" sales.
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