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  1. One question: Blitter or not Blitter? I know that blitter is a late addition to Atari ST but I don't know if it was very popular among the coders and if was used in many games. As you can see in the example attachaded when the blitter is On the sprites move faster. Should I use the blitter as default or autodetect? Or maybe no blitter at all? My game has about a maximum of 20 sprites at the same time. blitter.zip
  2. Very nice, thank you for your feedback. I'll do my best to make a simple but enjoyable game... I hope When I have more stuff ready I will put it here in the forum to be tested Thanks again, José Mário Machado.
  3. Thanks for your feedback, in fact Vsync first and then Screen_Swap works better :) And here it is: the new version of Enemy Wave Attack that now runs on all TOS and the masks are set properly. I tested on Steem and Hatari and it runs smoothly with no flickering but a test on a real Atari would be nice :) Cheers, José Mário Machado. waves.zip
  4. You are full of right, ParanoidLittleMan. In fact, is no good practice to make a game that only few can play. Fortunately not all is lost: the version of GODLib that I was using had a bug on an asm routine that did the trap calling for malloc. That caused some trouble in TOSes<2.06. Now I have the new version, the bug is fixed and GODLib run on all TOS By the way: take a look on my "algorithm" and try to find what I'm doing wrong: Screen_Swap VSync Assume Logical Screen Erase stuff from the screen Draw Sprites on the screen
  5. Hi ParanoidLittleMan; LOL! GODLib is a library for Pure C that provides lots of graphical functions to code games. http://rg.atari.org/source.htm Yeap, you are right. You were the only good soul that replied me Yes, this is only a test for enemy movement and the masks are not set yet, but I think this should not be the problem. I think you are talking about double buffering and yes, I'm using double buffering. I guess you are right when you say that there is something out of place in my code. I'll review it to see what is out of place and what's missing. Thanks for the tip. Well, I code in C for the last 25 years and to use Pure C + GODLib seemed to be a very good option. But in fact STOS and GFA Basic captured my attention Ah no, the Sin and Cos Table are used to get the sinoidal and circular movement of the enenies Sorry for my bad english and thank you very much for your great help
  6. Hi friends; As some of you know I'm converting to Atari a little game that I made for Amiga, PC and Speccy. As I don't own an Atari I'm using the Steem Emulator. I made a little program to test some enemy attack waves and it seems to run very smoothly on Steem, but when I run it on Steem SSE or Hatari there is a lot of flickering. So, if you have an Atari and don't mind to test the program to see if it runs smoothly I would appreciate. Note: I'm using GODLib so I think it only runs on TOS 2.06. Thanks in Advance, José Mário a.k.a MadAxe. Steem screenshot: Hatari screenshot: waves.zip
  7. Great stuff @ParanoidLittleMan, it works perfectly Thank you! Have a nice day, José Mário a.k.a. MadAxe
  8. Nice stuff, thanks for sharing And about some code to read a .PI1 file and display it on the screen? Thanks in advance, José Mário aka MadAxe
  9. For a monochromatic bitmap use should use vrt_cpyfm() and for a colour bitmap the right choice is vro_cpyfm().
  10. Hi @Wally1; Thanks for your tip. I took a look into that book and it's very cool and it has great stuff I have made a little and simple shoot'm'up for Amiga, PC Windows and ZX Spectrum (https://madaxe-pns.github.io/sardonic/) and now I'm trying to convert it to Atari using Pure PC and GODLib library. GODLib is very good but it's very vast and sometimes can be very dificult to understand. By the way, the formula is correct but the width of the sprites must be always a multiple of 16. The height can be what we want. Cheers, José Mário Machado a.k.a MadAxe
  11. Hi guys, greetings to everyone; I am doing some tests in Pure C and GODLib and I need some help in sprite creation: lpSprite = Sprite_Create(&gpPicture->Pixels[ 0 ], &gpPicture->Pixels[ 0 ], 16, 16, 4, 0 ); What is the exact formula to use Pixels[0]? I have tried (x+y*320)/4 but sometimes it doesn't work. Maybe x must to be a multiple of 16? The size of the sprites must be always 16x16 (or multiple of 16) or is it possible to have other sizes like 1x8 or 24x16? Thanks in advance, José Mário Machado a.k.a. MadAxe.
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