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intvdave last won the day on August 23 2022

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  1. ECS games were made to use a keyboard. My hacks update the games and allow most inputs to be done on the Original controller. If you do not have the original controller, you can still use the keyboard as originally designed. I do not know the best mappings for an xbox controller.
  2. Left hand holding the controller and thumb on the disc. Considering I was the best player in my neighborhood, it must have worked well enough. I could not tell you anything about newer controllers. My one and only is the Intellivision controller. Everything else is fighting for second place. This is why I play in emulation. I use the Intellivision controller for every console and game. I do like to use the Coleco controller for Colecovision games just to get the real experience. I have yet to configure my 5200 controller for Star Raiders. I do not like the Atari joystick
  3. You have the flashback controllers!!! On an original console! Those are probably the sweetest controllers. If you want to sell them I get your struggle... I think. You do not want to use the original controllers and nothing else is compatible. If you do get an interface made, you may want to think of selling it. I am sure others would be interested in this. I think many still play on the original console. Thanks for sharing the pics. I did not know someone made an interface for the original console. I knew of a 9 pin adapter.
  4. If you have an Intellivision One unit, which I am not familiar with, it sounds like you have a Raspberry Pi. If you had an original console, I would have expected to say you have the original console, Intv2, or System 3. Not a "one". If you do have a Raspberry PI, which I am guessing to be, then you do have an emulator. You have an emulator if you do not have an original console. You should have access to USB ports also. And with an emulator, just hack the emulator to use the analog controller. Does the jzIntv emulator support analog inputs? If you are referring to the AtGames Flashback controller adapter, then you are using an original controller. This does not sound like what you are saying. You would not need this interface for anything but the AtGames Flashback controller. If you have an original console, you would have access to the original controllers. Is the goal just not to use the original controller? Would it not be cheaper and easier to run the games in emulation to use the controller you want to use? So...what is an Intellivision One?
  5. What is a "back in the day flashback"? An original console? The AtGames Flashback console? How is it modded?
  6. Cool idea. Thanks for the suggestion! The roms I do sell supports the site. For those that download the free games, I just hope they play them and enjoy them. An email saying they enjoyed it would be the best payment. I can dream
  7. Sounds like you just need to patch the emulator to accept the analog inputs.
  8. Why not just use Intellivision controllers and: http://intellivision.us/interface.php
  9. Hopefully, you will enjoy Flying Fortress a bit more
  10. I hope you enjoy it! If you have anything good to say, please post it here. If not, please just email me
  11. What is posted is the final version. Papa Pete created a video on it.
  12. I have no idea when or if Super Pro B&B will see a cart release. Until then, http://intellivision.us/roms.php Keep in mind that the main update is the controls. Everything else is icing on the cake. If anyone tries it out, I hope you enjoy it more than the original.
  13. I am waiting for the Voice Collection to be released. Get that out and then you have the green light for Beauty and the Beast.
  14. Below is the completed list of updates to the game. For now, this will just be a ROM release unless you can convince Rev to release it CIB. I hope to make the ROM available for purchase in the next week or two. ; better control moving up ; slowed man down ; added invincibility after you die ; updated timing to invincibility ; more hearts ; on title screen, select level by pressing 1-3 on the keypad ; background changes as you move up - goes from day to night to day ; updated Mabel's image ; more clouds and they move between floors. Not random though
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